Saturday, April 23, 2016

Monday, April 4, 2016

OHMS PTA Meeting - Mar 31, 2016

Members Present:
Steve Cherry, Denise Heninger, Emily Stout, Amy Powell, Stephanie Hansen, Brittany Maxfiled, Jill Nebeker, Janice Carlsen, Mike Glenn, Shannon Smith, Beth Kunz, and Lauren Woodcock

Conducted By: Denise Heninger
 Minutes approved by Brittany Maxfield and seconded by Shannon Smith
Treasurer’s Report: Amy Powell
We are on budget and memory book has been paid.  Stephanie Hansen and Marvelle Morgan to sit in on the audit.

PTSA report: Lauren Woodcock
Canned Food Drive beings Monday, April 4.  PTSA kids to help with white ribbon week.

Principal’s Report: Mr. Glenn

* Rah Rah day and parent night went well.  
* Ben Lesser Night was very well attended.  Estimate of just over a thousand people in attendance.  
* Field Day-May, 27th.  More snowcones, less popcorn.   Let’s make this more of a field day experience.  Possibly human foosball game.
* Possible boundary changes for the 2017/2018 school year.  
Discussion Items:

* Memory Book-Payment Deadline April 6.  April 18 last submission day.
* White Ribbon Week-
Monday-White Face Painting during lunch.  PTSA kids to help-four signed up for each lunch.  Tracy Miller, Jill and Marvelle adult help.
Tuesday-Block out porn-wear sunglasses.  TA activity-Trash out porn competition
Wednesday-Porn is no laughing matter-hand out laffy taffy in TA
Thursday-White out day-wear white
Friday-Banner day-sign at lunch and receive a cookie.  One banner per lunch.  Steve Cherry, Janice and Jill-adult help.  Heads up email to go out to parents.  
* 2016-2017 Board-
President-Brittany Maxfield  
Pres. Elect-?
Legislative YP-Shannon Smith
Treasurer-Stephanie Hansen
Motion to vote by Lauren, second by Steve.  Vote-12 in the affirmative
* Book fair dates for 2016-2017-September 19-23 and Feb 13-17.
* Teacher Appreciation May 2-6.
* Membership dues for next year will be a straight $6 for all involved.
* Jordan South Council fees will change from 50 cents to 35 cents.  Meetings will be every other month. 
* PTA leg day-Successful.  The kids met with the lieut gov, enjoyed the health fair and lunch at Café Rio.  Biggest concerns to be aware of.  
o Partisan school boards-starting fight next year
o Immunization requirement-passed
o Electronic cigarettes-further review next year
o Itemized property tax
o No docking of teacher salary based on test results

Counseling Center:
* Career Day-40 volunteer instructors, making class sizes between 15-20 kids.  This is the ideal.  PTA could help with networking in community for next year.
* South JATC field trip-May 2. 8th grade only.  Walking field trip 8:30 and 9:30 start time.  Need for 20 volunteers each trip.  Cherish to set up volunteer spot and send out soon.  

FYI: Denise will be gone until 4/11 and Amy will be gone 4/12 to 4/16.

Meeting Adjourned: 1:00 pm 

Next Meeting-Thursday, Apr  28 at 11:45 am