Thursday, September 27, 2018

October 2018 OHMS PTSA Meeting Time

Our next Oquirrh Hills Middle School
General PTSA Meeting
will be October 4, 2018 @ 11:45 AM.

September 2018 OHMS PTSA Meeting Minutes

Oquirrh Hills Middle School PTSA Meeting
September 6, 2018

Welcome/Pledge: Maxine
Start time: 11:47 AM
Attendance: Denise Heninger, Amy Powell, Tressa Spigarelli, Emily Stout, Maxine Conrad, Steve Cherry, Mike Glenn, Jill Smilth, and Andrea Hogan. (Brittany Maxfield & Rebecca Van Sky Hawk—excused)
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Maxine; second by Tressa—vote was affirmative.
Treasurer’s Report & Budget—Amy Powell: Soar amount and Field Day numbers were accidentally switched on draft. Amy to ask Becky if the school needs reimbursement ($500) for Emergency Buckets. Discussed grant for school for Soar Store. Reimbursements will be done once a month. Suggestion for school gift: concrete benches for the students along the front of building under the overhanging roof area. Should have a “Needs Assessment” in the spring. Approval of Budget: Motion by Jill; second by Tressa—vote was affirmative.

PTSA Report—Andrea Hogan: Applications being accepted for 7th Grade PTSA students. Will select 4 or 5. Google form sent to teachers to recommend students. The PTSA students are helping with the combined Blue and White Ribbon Week.

Book Fair—Tressa Spigarelli: Set-up on 9-28. Will get money for change from Amy. The book fair will be open before school, during lunch and during Parent/Teacher Conferences. PTSA students will put up posters and help run the Book Fair. Mr. Cherry will send out a Skyward email to find parent volunteers to sign-up online. There will be teacher gifts for Language Arts, Reading, and Special Education teachers to get books.

Blue & White Ribbon Week—Beth Kunz: 9/24 to 9/28. Netsmartz assembly on the 27th.Blue Ribbon Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, and White Ribbon Days: Thu and Fri. Colin Kartchner “Let’s Get Real” Assembly 9/18/18 about setting healthy Social Media Boundaries.

Red Ribbon Week: January 22-25, 2019. Wendy Osborne will be in charge, Beth, Denise and Amy will assist.

President’s Report—Maxine Conrad:
            This Year’s Board—Still need a President Elect and several other positions filled.
            Parent Teacher Conferences – Dinners (Wed Oct 3 and Thu Oct 4)—May need extra help.
            Setup Table with PTA Info at Parent Teacher Conferences with a more exciting theme!!!
            Reflections Update—Denise will work with Noel Hinton and Jill Smith
            Ethics and Fiscal Management – Board members signed both forms.

Principal’s Report—Mike Glenn:

            OHMS Enrollment is 1113 for 2018
Calendar Items/Year-at-a-Glance needs to be updated and sent to Terry Price
            Netsmartz Assembly September 27th—Internet Saftey
Hope Squad—Audrey Fish: Students nominate peers to help in time of crisis/ put together squad by next week. Ms. Patty, Ms. Allsop, Ms. Anderson and Mr. Williams are advisors. Will meet the last Wednesday of the month. There will be Hope Squad t-shirts and hoodies.

Counseling Center—Steve Cherry:
            Nicole Thurmond is the new counselor: her students are H to O
            7th grade Field Trip to Weedon Farm on 9/19/18—two sessions. Need parents chaperones to come.
            Reality Town 11/1/18 will need 50 volunteers.
            Suicide Prevention will be presented to each grade level at different times.

New Business:
Emily Stout: Eagle of the Quarter is scheduled for 10/30; 10/31; and 11/1. Will check for possible conflicts with Halloween.

Next Meeting:  October 4, 2018 @ 11:45 AM
Meeting Adjourned: 12:54 PM

"Heroes Around Me" 2018 PTA Reflections

The PTA Reflections Program is underway! “Heroes Around Me” is the theme for this year. You can enter a project in one or more of these categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and Visual Arts. The due date for entries is Tuesday, October 16, 2018 by 3:00 pm in the office. All the rules and forms can be accessed here - Reflections | . You can also pick up an entry packet in the office. You will need to complete a Student Entry Form, Artist Statement and Consent Form if required (please view the “Consent Form Guidelines”). Make sure you closely read and comply with the “Rules Summary” and the specific rules for the category(s) you enter. Be very careful not to use any copyrighted material unless allowed by your category. You may submit 1 entry PER category. Prizes for all participants…so, encourage your friends to participate. Get your creative juices flowing…we can’t wait to see what you create! Contact Denise Heninger 801-540-1134 or with any questions.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Our first OHMS PTSA meeting for 2018-2019 school year is Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 11:45 AM.