Thursday, April 4, 2013

March 7 PTSA Meeting

OHMS PTSA Meeting – March 7, 2013

Attending: Kellene Adams, Jill Nebeker, Marvelle Morgan, Principal Glenn, Stephanie Hansen, Karla Hendricks, Patty Hales, Cherish Curtis, Shannon Smith, Ms. Van Der Lough
Welcome: Like what you do.
Minutes: Jill read, Stephanie –move, Carla – seconded, all approved
New Board for next year - President - Cherish, President Elect - ?, Secretary – Marvelle Morgan, Treasurer – Tiffany Parks, Legislative VP – Suzi Ruggles
Nominating Committee – Those willing to serve, Patty Hales, Shannon Smith, Carla Hendricks, the committee affirmed the nominees listed by Kellene, Carla will post.
Eagle of the Quarter – 18, 20, 21 Stephanie will be OK.
Volunteer help for next year - Need to get volunteers for next year. Mr. Glen said we can attach it to the registration in Skyward. Carla can make a google doc and put online for the parents to fill out with info on how they want to help. Also, we will be able to pay online.
Jill and Stephanie talked about making sure we change the PTA fees to $6 for next year (Cherish and Kellene will look into).
PTA Day – Saw Lt. Governor and visited, he gave basic law passing information. Had tour of capital and then went out to lunch. Kids enjoyed it. Next year we would like to include more kids (either invite in another school or OHMS Student Body Officers.
Financial Gift to School – Mr. Glenn said they are still looking at various item but haven’t made a decision yet.
Town Hall Meeting Tonight – Riverton City Hall 7 – 9.
Treasurer: Tiffany is gone, so contact her if you need a check.
PTSA Report –
March 11 – 15 White Ribbon Week they will make posters. For treats the kids want some of the following: White Airheads, suckers, donuts, and cookies. 1200 students approximately, so we will have to see what to get, Marvelle is happy to order and get them ready to pass it out. They also want to tie white ribbons on car antennae or backpack. NetSmartz is on the 13th on 3rd, 4th, and 5th periods. Amanda will make posters on Monday.
The Valentine Treats were a hit and sold out quickly – Cima is the company and the “Yummy Hearts” – – we got 600 and sold out within 48 hours. Order more next year if you can.
Canned Food Drive – Theme is “Arcade Games”. Drive will be week before and week of Spirit Week April 8-12th.
Legislative Update – SB81 – take money from all districts and public schools and refund the schools who don’t have enough – many charters will get more money. Mr. Glenn would urge us to oppose.
SB110 – Give principals more autonomy but also gives school community council more control of school. Mr. Glenn would urge us to oppose. Nice to have more control but puts huge responsibility school community council and they are not educators and may have to constantly meet to just approve day to day expenditures.
HB133 - Publish teachers scores as raw data. Should show school performance but goes too far beyond the current reports. Mr. Glenn would urge us to oppose.
HB55 – Education funding.
Other Items: Bring Parents to School Day – March 22nd. List positions still being filled.
Next Meeting: April 4th at 11:30