Friday, December 12, 2014

OHMS PTA Meeting - December 4, 2014

OHMS PTA Meeting
December 4, 2014

Members Present:
Mr. Glenn, Natalie Bartholomew, Lauren Woodcock, Beth Kunz, Amy Skinner, Janice Carlsen, Emily Stout, Karla Hendricks, Brittany Maxfield, Jill Nebeker, Angie Chapman, Cherish Curtis

Conducted By: Beth Kunz

Treasurer’s Report: Amy Skinner

PTSA report: Lauren Woodcock
Sweatpants-still not ordered. Company is frustrating to work with.

Principal’s Report: Mr. Glenn
* Explanation of OquirrhFest
* Discussion of the Assemblies to fill time during the 90 minutes TA days in January
* Green light has been given for the remodel this summer

Discussion Items:
* October Minutes approved by Karla, seconded by Jill
* Bring your parents to school day-November 21. 150 parents in attendance.
* Legislative Day. Legislative session begins Jan 26. Karla to contact Shannon Smith to set up appointment to meet with Lt. Gov. Karla will oversee the day. Lauren will reserve the bus and get the permission slips taken care of
* Reflections report. Low response however good quality. Request made to keep budge the same in hopes for higher participation next year. More and better advertising for next year, including notifying the kids of prizes.
* Teacher Appreciation-May 4-8, budget is $1000. Lunch can be done W-F. Contact for free massages through Stephanie. Contact through Brittany for Texas Roadhouse for meal.
* Eagle of the Quarter Dates-Jan 20-7th, 21-8th, 22-9th

Counseling Center Items:
* Natalie to book Net Smartz for November 2015 (1st or 2nd week of second quarter)
* White ribbon week-Sept
* Blue Ribbon Week-Nov
* Red Ribbon Week-Feb

Meeting Adjourned: 12:15 pm

Next Meeting-Thursday, Jan 8, 11:00 am

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

OHMS PTA Meeting
November 6, 2014

Members Present:
Mr. Glenn, Steve Cherry, Lauren Woodcock, Beth Kunz, Amy Skinner, Janice Carlsen, Emily Stout, Marvelle Morgan and Brittany Maxfield

Conducted By: Beth Kunz

Treasurer’s Report: Amy Skinner

PTSA report: Lauren Woodcock
Preparing for rivalry week
Sweatpants to be ordered this week.

Principal’s Report: Mr. Glenn
* Sage test results are in. Reminder this test was put in place to make students more college/career ready than just testing for minimal competency. This test establishes new proficiency levels-below, approaching, proficient, highly.
* Field trips have been staffed well by volunteers.
* Calendaring for 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 look great. Week long spring break planned.
* Still needing 100 parents to complete the parent survey.
* Remodel is still on for this summer. It will include moving the band room and front office, placing sprinklers in the gym, the grease trap and air conditioning!

Discussion Items:
* Book Fair has extra posters from years past which will be used by the language arts teachers
* White and Blue Ribbon Week-went well. Next year it was determined this will not be done on a short week as well as this will not be done in October. It was also decided each week will be done individually. Blue-September (Mr. Glenn has access to a free anti bullying assembly which it a good one. White-November Mr. Cherry and Mr. Glenn to schedule with net Smartz. The first or second week of the second semester. Red-February It was also determined the Anti pornography assembly will be every other year
* Bring your parents to school day-November 21. Advertising will begin shortly for this activity. Beth to write up a skyalert to go out to parents the Monday and Thursday before.

Counseling Center Items:
* Career Day-March 10, about 1 ½ hours. More volunteers will be needed this year, to help with coordinating and crowd control. Mr. Chery will make a volunteer spreadsheet.
* Utah Scholars-Training is December 2 at 12:00 pm. The training will last one hour and a light lunch will be provided.
January 7-8 will be the teaching sessions. 10 total volunteers needed. Approximately 45 minutes We are needing 4 volunteers for for the 7th and 6 volunteers on the 8. These will be split in morning and afternoon sessions.

Meeting Adjourned: 12:20 pm

Next Meeting-Thursday, Dec 4, 11:00 am

Thursday, October 16, 2014

OHMS PTA Meeting
October 2, 2014

Members Present:
Mr. Glenn, Natalie Bartholomew, Lauren Woodcock, Beth Kunz, Angie Chapman, Amy Skinner, Cherish Curtis, Lisa Zupancic, Jill Nebeker, Janice Carlsen, Stephanie Hansen, Emily Stout and Brittany Maxfield

Conducted By: Beth Kunz

Treasurer’s Report: Amy Skinner

PTSA report: Lauren Woodcock
There were 15 interviews for PTSA officers.
Vote was for sweatpants.

Principal’s Report: Mr. Glenn
OHMS mission statement has been redone for this school year.
Reminder of the parent survey for accreditation.
STEM grant-awarded to Joel P. Jensen, West Jordan and OHMS.  Application process.  Total of 60 kids.  Transportation will be provided to the local elementary school.  M, W or T, Th.  Classes include robotics and coding.  Four teachers will be chosen to oversee program.

Discussion Items:
* Bylaws-Motion set by Lisa.  2nd by Jill  Bylaws approved by all in attendance.  
* Reflections-Due Date-Wed, October 15.  Turn in at front office in box.
* PTC-October 1-2.  Wed dinner received good feedback.  Meal done by Sizzler.  Brittany to oversee Thursday dinner.  Soups and bread.
* Book Fair-September 29-October 2  All is going well.  Count tonight at 7:30-Janice, Amy and Beth
* White and Blue Ribbon Week-(Internet safety and bullying) Darla Thomas to oversee. PTSA to do posters.   Internet safety class will be taught on October 14. 
* Eagle of the Quarter-Different assembly this year.  Picture of student shown while the bio of student is being read.  Student will then be invited to front.  
* Vision Screening-ten volunteers already signed up.  7th graders and about 10 extra students signed up.
* Donation available-through your local Zion’s bank for $1000.  School needs to make request, it can’t come from the PTA.  Also, Comcast cares is available on the middle school level.

Counseling Center Items:
* Reality Town- Skyalert to go out to collect needed volunteers.  
* Career Day-March 10, about 1 ½ hours.  More volunteers will be needed this year, to help with coordinating and crowd control.
* Utah Scholars-Training is November 11 at 1:00 pm.  The training will last a couple of hours.
January 7-8 will be the teaching sessions.  10 total volunteers needed.  Approximately 45 minutes classes, taught in 6 periods on the 7th and 5 periods on the 8th.  Volunteers-Cherish, Amy, Stephanie, Beth, Janice, Angie and Shelly Smith(?) 

Monday, September 8, 2014

PTSA Meeting - September 4, 2014

Members Present:

Mr. Glenn, Natalie Bartholomew, Lauren Woodcock, Darla Thomas, Beth Kunz, Karla Hendricks, Angie Chapman, Amy Skinner, Cherish Curtis, Lisa Zupancic, Jill Nebeker, Marvelle Morgan, Janice Carlsen, Stephanie Hansen, Emily Stout

Conducted By: Beth Kunz

            Introductions of officers

Treasurer’s Report: Amy Skinner
          Ethics/Conflict of Interest Reports were signed
Budget reviewed, discussed and motioned to approve.  Approval was seconded. 
There was a clarification made on the PTC dinners.  The dinners will include all five PTC meals as well as the teacher appreciation meal (approx. $500)
The Budget will be posted on the school website for the next thirty days for general PTA approval
Discussion of Memory Book/Membership Drive.  It was determined the price will need to be raised for the 2015-2016 school year. 
There will be no school gift this year because of lack of funds
PTSA report: Lauren Woodcock
Recruitment of students for PTSA will begin 1-2 weeks following the SBO elections. 
Approximately 17 students will be needed.
10 volunteers will be needed on October 9 for Vision Screening.  Training begins at 8:15 am. 
Angie Chapman will work with Cherish Curtis to find volunteers.

Principal’s Report: Mr. Glenn
Approximately 1150 students.  In the next two to three years there will be a shift in students, increasing OHMS enrollment by about 200 students.  This will come from boundary changes.


Discussion Items:

·         JATC Field Trip-8th graders-September 23 and September 24.  First Session will begin at 8:05 am.  There will be two sessions.  8 volunteers will be needed  to ride on the bus, each day.
            There will be a clarifying email which will come from Natalie  concerning which teachers go which
day.  Cherish will find volunteers on the school website.  Beth will help with the coordination.
·         Back to School Night-Was a success as it was run.  Volunteer list was obtained
·         Bring Parents to school day-Date determined to be November 21.  There will only be one date this school year. 
·         Reflections-Due Date-Wed, October 15.  Due to front office.  Angie Chapman to oversee.
·         PTC-October 1-2.  Lunches will be served at 3:00pm.  Times for the conferences will be 4-8:00 on the 1 and 4-7:30 on the 2.  There will be a table set up with PTSA information-memory books, membership and membership cards will be available. Time slots will need to be filled for each day.  Volunteers-Jill, and Stephanie.
·         Book Fair-September 29-October 2.  Janice to oversee.  Cherish to set up on website volunteer slots.  Book fair will be done at both conferences.  Janice will have a push to promote literacy through book talks done with announcements and class previews.  Gadgets will only come out in the evenings.
·         White and Blue Ribbon Week-(Internet safety and bullying) Darla Thomas to oversee with the help of Constance Coombs.  Dates October 13-15.  An internet safety class will be taught on October 14. PTSA kids will be in charge under the direction of Darla.  Budget for all three weeks is split into three.  Make PTSA students aware of the budget.
·         Red Ribbon Week-Feb 17-20
Meeting Adjourned: 12:45 pm

Next Meeting-Thursday, Oct 2, 11:00 am  (Please note the time change)

Friday, September 5, 2014

PTSA Budget 2014-2015 - Proposed Budget

Beginning Balance          $8,781.28

Revenue                         $10,700.00

Student Support              3,150.00    
Health/Safety/Welfare     1,000.00
Hospitality                      3,500.00
Administrative                4,750.00
Total expenses:               $12,400.00

Sales Tax Reimb.            $216.29

Ending Balance               $7,297.57

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Welcome Back Eagles!

Just a quick reminder about Back-to-School Night; please join us Thursday at 6:30 pm at the school.

We’d love to have you attend our meetings, where we discuss all the fun activities that we have planned, as well as the great things that are happening at OHMS. The meetings are the 1st Thursdays at 11:30 am in the conference room.

 Finally, this blog is a great place to get important information, not just about PTSA, but about the activities your student is involved in and how you can be involved as well. Become a follower of the blog, and you’ll automatically be notified whenever new information is posted.

Beth Kunz
PTSA President

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Have A Great Summer!!!

We hope everyone has a great summer!    We look forward to having Beth Kunz as next years OHMS PTSA President.  She has many great things planned for our kids.  If you would like to help out email and let her know and she will be happy to let you know what is still open and how you can help out.

Next year Reflections theme is:  The World Would Be A Better Place If ...

We look forward to next year.

Cherish Curtis
PTSA President

Oquirrh Hills Middle School PTSA
March 6, 2014

In attendance, Beth Kunz, Skinner, Cherish Curtis, Angie Chapman, Jill Nebeker, Lauren Woodcock, Stephanie Hansen, Janice Carlson, Kellene Adams

  • Welcome - Cherish
  • Thought -Cherish
  • Reading and Approval of Minutes – No minutes sent yet for last month, we will do it next month.
    • Vote in Elections for next year
      • Beth Kunz – President
      • Amy Skinner – Treasurer
      • Karla Hendricks – Legislative VP
      • Cherish Curtis – Membership VP
All voted in favor
  • Treasurer’s Report – Current balance is $15,653.13

  • PTSA Report
    • PTSA kids day at the capitol – It was great! They will look at whether to go on PTA day or not for next year.
    • When to do canned food drive – Avenge Hunger, Lauren Woodcock will work to find a week to collect the food, PTA will pay for a donut party for winners of collecting.

  • President’s Report
    • Legislative Session Update ( – still going, not a lot going on
    • 2nd Bring your parent to school day – About 80 parents came
    • PTC – March 5-6 - Update
      • Dinners – did last night, will take care of tonight
      • Book Fair – tough time getting help for the Spring, Janice is needing to fill a lot of the positions herself. We need to look at maybe collecting emails at the beginning of the year and have the ability to connect individually if we are short on volunteers.
    • White Ribbon Week – Fight the New Drug – Anti Porn
      • March 19 – Parent Night – at 7:00 pm
      • March 20 – Kids (3rd, 4th, and 5th period)
        • Ms. Woodcock will work with PTSA students to make posters & make handouts for White Ribbon Week, the students will see about making each day a special theme.
    • Memory Books – moving along
    • Utah Scholars link is up on the Volunteer link

  • Principal’s Report
    • Financial Gift from PTA ($1,500) – Mr. Glen will think of what they want to spend it on.
    • Calendar Items

  • New Business - Nothing

  • Next Meeting: April 3, 2014 @ 11:30

Thurs., Feb. 6, 2014

I.                     Welcome
II.                  Thought
III.                Approval of Minutes – Jill made a motion to approve and Amy Skinner seconded the motion.  It was unanimous.
IV.                Treasurer’s Report –
V.                  PTSA Report
a.      Valentine’s Suckers – doubled the number ordered this year but have already sold 3 boxes this morning
b.      Day at the Capitol – Feb. 19th
                                                              i.      A couple students are on probation for behavior.  They have a quarter to improve.  They will still be allowed to go to the capitol.
VI.                Eagle of the Quarter – went well
VII.              Harmon’s Day today
a.      Jill volunteered to help
b.      Mike will be competing in the bagging competition at 5:30 pm
VIII.            Parent’s Night for 7th graders tonight
a.      Cherish and Beth will be there
IX.                Legislative Session –
X.                  Bring Your Parents to School Day – Feb. 21st
a.      counseling center will do a 1 period mini class and would like suggestions – Utah Scholars  (we need 10 volunteers) or Fight the New Drug or general financial aid – might do this class during parent teacher conferences instead
XI.                Parent Teacher conference  March 5-6
a.      Student led conferences – sign up online and start in TA
b.      Dinners – Cherish and Beth will do
c.       Book Fair – Cherish will get volunteer spot set up
XII.              White Ribbon Week
a.      March 19th – Parent Night – 7 pm at the school
b.      March 20th – assemblies – 3rd, 4th, and 5th periods
c.       Tracie Becknell will let feeder elementaries know about the parent night
d.      Jill will check on booths from related organizations and will also get links from them to put on our blog so we can get the helpful info out to everyone.
XIII.            Career Day – March 11th   (7th graders will shadow a career and 8th and 9th graders will have different career classes here)

XIV.            Next Meeting – March 6, 2014 at 11:30

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Minutes from January 2014 PTSA Meeting

Here are the minutes from our last Oquirrh Hills Middle School PTSA Meeting. We invite you to join us every month--the first Thursday at 11:30 a.m.

OHMS PTA Meeting

Thurs., Jan. 9, 2014


1.       Welcome

2.      Thought:  In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.  –Albert Einstein

3.      Minutes will be approved next meeting.

4.      Budget:  Reflections spent $470.01 and PTA Board gifts were $34.34.  No income in December.  The ending balance is $16,705.93.

5.      PTSA Report

a.      Valentine’s suckers have been ordered.  We’ll need change (lots of quarters to begin with)

b.      We’re going to help RHS PTA with Operation Valentines for the Soldiers.

c.       Day at the Capitol in February.  Lauren will order a bus.   There will be 15 students.  Susie and Lauren will coordinate a date.

6.      President’s Report

a.      Susie will let us know the next meeting about any legislative issues.

b.      EOQ dates Jan 21-23

c.       Region Reflections Awards Banquet – 4 students moved on to the next level – Erin Jessen, Kylie Hernandez, Natasha Lanni, Cynthia Lang.  The next assembly is January 27th at Bingham.  This is the Council assembly.

d.      Parent Teacher conference March 5 & 6.  Shanna is going to do the dinners.  We will be doing book fair.  Cherish will get the volunteers using Volunteer Spot.  We got all our profits as Scholastic Dollars and donate to the library fund.  Sandy Doehler decides how to spend that money.  The counseling center is doing some Financial Aid classes.  They’d like us to help get out the word.  We can send it out on Happenings and Skyward.  This PTC will be a student-led conference.

e.      March 11th is career day for 8th and 9th graders.  7th is doing a job shadow day so they will be out of the building.    Letters are going out so parents can sign up if they are interested in being a presenter.  The work-base learning coordinators at RHS are also helping.

f.        We have a $1500 budget for the school gift.

g.      Bring Your Parents to School Day – Feb. 21st or 28th.

h.      Harmon’s Day – we need to decorate the checkstand next week.  The theme is “Olympics – Reach for the Top.”  It is 3-8 pm.   We need 3 each shift.  It is Feb. 6th.  We need to advertise for this!!!!     Bagging competition is at 5:30 pm. 

i.        Board positions for next year – Amy will do treasurer again.  Stephanie will do EOQ again.  Amy Jessen will not have a middle schooler.  Susie will do something.   Janice will do book fair again.  Lisa will do yearbook and Beth will help her.  Marvelle and Jill will do teacher appreciation and Cherish will do something. 

j.        Feb. 6th – Parent’s Night  for the incoming 7th graders

7.      Principal’s Report – fire drill on next Thursday.    SNAP (School Neighborhood Access Plan)  deals with safe walking routes.   Cherish or Beth will sign off on the plan.

8.      White Ribbon Week – we need to make changes.  Jill will contact “Fight the New Drug” and South Hills and get back to us.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Welcome Back--From Cherish Curtis (OHMS PTSA president)

Welcome back--we hope everyone had a great holiday break.  We are looking forward to a great 2014 with our great Oquirrh Eagles!

We wanted to congratulate our Reflections winners, and thank everyone who participated!  We had some fabulous entries and a lot of really great work! The following are the winners from our school who went to Region:

Literature                               Photography
Tiffany Gallegos                      Erin Jessen
Stratton Butterfield                  Kyley Hernandez
Kyley Hernandez                     Mason Scott    
Marii Fullmer                           Nathan Christensen
                                               Peter White

Visual Arts                              Film    
Kailey Black                            Kyley Hernandez
David Rollo
Cynthia Wang                          Music
Jaclyn Parks                             Natasha Lonni
Danielle Mendenhall                Kyley Hernandez

Four of these students were recognized at region and are moving on to compete at the council level--Congratulations!

Visual Arts                              Photography
Cynthia Wang                          Erin Jessen

Music Composition                 Film    
Natasha Lonni                         Kyley Hernandez

Music Honorable Mention
Kyley Hernandez

  • Mark your calendars now for our next Bring Your Parents to School Day on February 21. Come join your student in class.  You can come for one class or the entire day.  We are a great time during our first Bring Your Parents Day to School Day last semester--we are looking forward to our second!
  • If you would like to volunteer please check out the OHMS group page for opportunities.  Please click here: to sign up for OHMS Volunteers activities! 
  • Check out this class at the Jordan Family Education Center:
    • Safeguarding our Children and Teens:  A Seminar for Parents Addressing Bullying, Internet Safety, Substance Use and Abuse, and Suicide Prevention. During this class, parents will learn about Bullying; Internet Safety; Substance Use and Abuse; and Causes, Myths, and Symptoms of Suicide among Children and Adolescents.
      • Sessions are offered on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 9:00 pm on the following dates:   January 21, 2014; February 25, 2014; March 25, 2014
      • To register call Jordan Family Education Center at 801-565-7442
Thanks for all you do--we appreciate your support and help! Feel free to join us at our PTSA meetings, every first Thursday of the month at 11:30 a.m. in the board room at Oquirrh Hills. See you then!

Cherish Curtis