Tuesday, December 1, 2015

OHMS PTA Meeting - Nov 23, 2015

Members Present:
Mr. Glenn, Steve Cherry, Lauren Woodcock, Denise Heninger, Emily Stout, Amy Powell, Brittany Maxfield, Shannon Smith, Amy Jessen, Stephanie Hansen, Beth Kunz, Brittany Daw, Jill Nebeker

Conducted By: Denise Heninger
 Minutes approved by Amy Jessen and seconded by Stephanie Hansen

Treasurer’s Report: Amy Powell
We are on budget.

PTSA report: Lauren Woodcock
Sweatshirts have been received, just waiting for final payment.  Legislative day is upcoming will begin planning with Shannon

Principal’s Report: Mr. Glenn
Just finished rivalry week.  Oquirrhfest is beginning.  Drill to be built on site of school in Ghana.  Goal is to raise $25,000.  Shirts are on sale for $10.  Assembly will be November 30.
TA intervention is going well.  No need for parent volunteers yet.

Discussion Items:
* Red Ribbon Week-went well.  Work on future advertising.   
* Memory Book-The cover has now been chosen.  District to set up email account.
* Council Meeting-will be held at Oquirrh on Dec 10 at 11:45.  Council will now provide $100 towards meal.
* Reflections-23 enteries this year.  20 moved on.  Awards assembly is scheduled for Nov 30 6:30-8:30 at Riverton High school.
* Legislative day-Feb 26.  Our day will be scheduled separate from this.  Shannon will make arrangments.  Do we want to invite more than the 15 PTSA kids?  Possible-SBO’s or NJHS or Soar
* Leadership Awards-please fill out the forms.  No one from our district has received this award.  
* Secondary Council Meeting-Dec10 at 11:45.  Brittany to plan food.  25 people $100 to spend.

Counseling Center:
* JATC Field Trip-November 3-4 for 8th graders.  Four chaperones per busy for 16 a day.  Two shifts 10-11:30 and 9-10:30.  Natalie will put a list together of the teachers participating on which days.  This information will be online, Cherish to oversee.
* Reality Town is scheduled for November 18.  50 volunteers needed.  
* Utah Scholars-Jan 7  Skylert sent to see if parents will participate.  Training will be in Dec with a lunch.  Denise to ask Cherish to set up volunteer spot.
* Hearing Screenings-no need for PTA help
* Mrs. Byerline-Denise working on arranging volunteers. 
* Net Smartz assembly-better presentation than past.  Decide what info to target in upcoming white ribbon week.

Meeting Adjourned: 12:55 pm Brittany-motioned to close Amy-seconded

Next Meeting-Monday, Dec  16, 11:45 am  

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

PTA Meeting - Oct 22, 2015

OHMS PTA Meeting 
Oct 22, 2015 
Members Present: 
Mr. Glenn, Steve Cherry, Lauren Woodcock, Denise Heninger, Janice Carlsen, Emily Stout, Amy Powell, Cherish Curtis, Brittany Maxfield, Shannon Smith, Amy Jessen, Stephanie Hansen, Beth Kunz, Brian Larson 
Conducted By: Denise Heninger 
Minutes approved by Steve Cherry and seconded by Mike Glenn 
Treasurer’s Report: Amy Powell 
Checks will only be cut once a month at the PTA meetings.  Please do not turn in mixed receipts as this complicates the reimbursement process. 
PTSA report: Lauren Woodcock 
Ten 7th graders applied for PTSA, decision made to go with 5 students. 
PTSA students have been busy with Red Ribbon posters and helping out. 
Principal’s Report: Mr. Glenn 
Oquirrh Hills will be spotlighted at the Board Meeting Tuesday evening at 6:30 
Red Ribbon week was visible and appreciate given for efforts made. 
District calendar for next year is looking at  a week spring break, which will no longer be tied to Good Friday.  Possible one week fall break? 
Discussion Items: 
  • Red Ribbon Week-going well.  Door judging still to take place.  Lauren to email teachers to remind them to have doors available for judging on Friday morning.   
  • Book Fair-September 28-October 2.  Book fair went well, producing the average income 
  • Harmon’s Day-no luck so far in this endeavor  
  • Membership-The wording of the membership contest drive was too confusing.  Suggestions to also do this earlier in the year next year.  
  • Memory Book-any pictures which are available please send to Beth.   Lauren to set up an email account for students to send their pictures to. 
  • Council Meeting-will be held at Oquirrh on Dec 10 at 11:45.  Council will now provide $100 towards meal. 
  • Brian Larson-presented safe walking maps and drop off information for review.  Any concerns or questions in regards to this will be address by Brian.  These maps are updated yearly. 
  • Bring your parent to school day-it was determined this would be moved from Nov 13 to Nov 20.  Skylert will be send to parents to notify them of this change.   
  • TA Intervention-still needs refining before parents are invited to volunteer  
Counseling Center: 
  • JATC Field Trip-November 3-4 for 8th graders.  Four chaperones per busy for 16 a day.  Two shifts 10-11:30 and 9-10:30.  Natalie will put a list together of the teachers participating on which days.  This information will be online, Cherish to oversee. 
  • Reality Town is scheduled for November 18.  50 volunteers needed.   
  • Utah Scholars-Jan 7  Stephanie Hansen and Steve Cherry to oversee the power point presentation to get it under 20 minutes.   
Meeting Adjourned: 12:55 pm 
Next Meeting-Monday, Nov  23, 11:45 am   

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Next PTA Meetings

The following is an update to the next few PTA meeting days and times:
Monday, November 23, 2015 @ 11:45 am
Wednesday, December 16, 2015 @ 11:45 am

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

OHMS PTA Meeting - Sept 24, 2015

Members Present:
Mr. Glenn, Steve Cherry, Lauren Woodcock, Denise Heninger, Janice Carlsen, Emily Stout, Amy Powell, Cherish Curtis, Michelle Hinojosa, Shannon Smith

Conducted By: Denise Heninger

Minutes approved by Lauren and seconded by Shannon

Treasurer’s Report: Amy Powell
The Budget has been posted on the school website for thirty days for general PTA approval and we will move forward with it as is.
No budget concerns at this time.

PTSA report: Lauren Woodcock
Only 6 7th graders have applied for PTSA, decision made to go with all 6 unless more apply.
Beth will get needed Red Ribbon week information to PTSA.

Principal’s Report: Mr. Glenn
Oquirrhfest charity has now been chosen.
Thank you for the meals for PT conf.

Discussion Items:
* Blue Ribbon Week-overall feeling is this was done well. Preference is to keep this towards the beginning of the year to help the kids start out right.
* PTC-September 30-October 1. Lunches will be served at 3:00pm. Emily has meals under control.
* Book Fair-September 28-October 2. Bookfair will be included in the announcements and there will be coordination with the lunch hour.
* Red Ribbon Week-October 19-23 Beth will oversee this.
* Harmon’s Day-Amy will go to Harmon’s today to finish the application process
* Mrs. Byerline-6 volunteer names have been given to Mrs. Byerline so she can do the coordinating
* Vision Screening-8-10 volunteers needed on October 13 at 8:15 am. Cherish will coordinate volunteers
* Membership-a table will be set up at PTC to encourage more membership. As well as a TA class competition to get members with the top class receiving a classic skating pass.

Counseling Center:
* JATC Field Trip-November 3-4 for 8th graders. Four chaperones per busy for 16 a day. Two shifts 10-11:30 and 9-10:30. Natalie will put a list together of the teachers participating on which days.
* Reality Town is scheduled for November 18. 50 volunteers needed.
* Utah Scholars-Jan 7
* Pam Hayes-from the Utah Anti Bully commission-presented the idea of a parent night, running from 6-8. The focus would be on kindness. There would be music and experts available with information. Activities would be provided for younger children to participate in.
Mr. Glenn will contact the feeder schools to see if there is an interest to be involved. Denise will contact Bonneville Middle for information on how this program went for them.
It was determined this would be a Thursday evening in Oct or early Nov.

Meeting Adjourned: 1:00 pm
Next Meeting-Thursday, Oct 22, 11:45 am


Monday, August 31, 2015

PTSA Budget 2015-2016 - Proposed Budget

PTSA Budget 2015-2016 - Proposed Budget

Beginning Balance          $8,984.00

Revenue                            $11,750.00

     Student Support                 2,750.00    
     Health/Safety/Welfare     2,100.00
     Hospitality                           2,100.00
     Administrative                    1,780.00
     Total expenses:                $8,730.00

Sales Tax Reimb.                 $215.00

Ending Balance               $12,219.00

OHMS PTA Meeting - August 27, 2015

Members Present:
     Mr. Glenn, Steve Cherry, Lauren Woodcock, Denise Heninger, Beth Kunz, Jill Nebeker,
     Marvelle Morgan, Janice Carlsen, Stephanie Hansen, Emily Stout, Amy Powell,
     Brittany Maxfield, Amy Jessen, Lisa Lighten, Emily Oldroyd

Conducted By: Denis Heninger
     Introductions of board members

Treasurer’s Report: Amy Skinner
     Budget reviewed and discussed 
     Motioned to approve by Jill N. Approval was seconded by Stephanie H.
     Suggestion made to coordinate Fight the New Drug with South Hills and Riverton High
     for 2016-2017 school year.
     The Budget will be posted on the school website for the next thirty days for general
     PTA approval.

PTSA report: Lauren Woodcock
     7th grade elections will occur towards the end of September.  
     Teachers have been asked to pay their PTSA dues and a reminder will go out in about
     two weeks.

Principal’s Report: Mr. Glenn
     Approximately 1120 students
     90% of the construction in complete.  The electrical work should finish up in about a

Discussion Items:
     * Back to School Night-Thursday August 27, 5:30-7:00  PTA volunteers needed to man
        PTA table
     * Blue Ribbon Week-September 14-18  A flyer will be distributed to TA teachers to
        overview the week.
          Monday-kickoff day.  Kids will receive tear away wristbands at lunch.  Also kids will
          begin to search for their name found on a heart hanging in the school which they
          can return for a treat. 
          PTSA kids will cut hearts and write student names.  Mr. Cherry will provide the list
          of students.
          Tuesday-Sock it to a bully.  Utah Anti bully coalition will do an assembly and the
          kids will wear crazy socks
          Wednesday-Give bullying the boot.  Wear your favorite boots.
          Thursday-Proud to be Bully Free-kids wear Blue and Orange
          Friday-Team up against bullying-Wear team jersey and turn in wristband for treat.
          Wristbands could say “Band together against bullying”
     * Reflections-Amy hasn’t been able to contact council so a due date is unknown at this
     * PTC-September 30-October 1.  Lunches will be served at 3:00pm. Plan on 100
        teachers this year
     * Book Fair-September 28-October 2.  Janice to oversee.  Discussed that maybe Jenni
        could help to set up on website volunteer slots.  Skylert to remind parents to look at
        volunteer spot.
     * Red Ribbon Week-October 19-23 We are looking for someone to be in charge of this.  
     * Harmon’s Day-Denise to contact Harmons 
     * Mrs. Byerline-is in need of parent volunteers to enter in computer information, due
          to health issues.  If you are willing to help please contact Beth Kunz.

Counseling Center:
     * JATC Field Trip-is upcoming and volunteers will be needed.
     * Reality Town is scheduled for November 18
     * Question was presented to determine the interest level of parents participating in
        TA intervention once a week.  The parents would be used to run activities while
        their child’s teacher is teaching intervention.  The timing of this would be
        approximately 8:30-9:15. Consensus is there would be enough parent help to run
        this program if it becomes the determined route.

Meeting Adjourned: 12:20 pm
Next Meeting-Thursday, Sept 24, 11:45 am  

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Welcome Back Eagles!

Just a quick reminder about Back-to-School Night; please join us Thursday at 5:30 pm at the school.

We’d love to have you attend our meetings, where we discuss all the fun activities that we have planned, as well as the great things that are happening at OHMS. The first meetings is Thursday, August 27th at 11:00 am at the school.

 Finally, this blog is a great place to get important information, not just about PTSA, but about the activities your student is involved in and how you can be involved as well. Become a follower of the blog, and you’ll automatically be notified whenever new information is posted.

Thanks, we are looking forward to a great year!

Denise Heninger
PTSA President

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Year End Message

We hope everyone has a great summer!    We look forward to having Denise Heninger as next years OHMS PTA President.  We know she will do a great job!  If you would like to help out email ohmsptsa@gmail.com and let her know and she will be happy to let you know what is still open and how you can help out.

Next year Reflections theme is:  Let Your Imagination Fly.

We look forward to next year.

Beth Kunz
PTA President

Monday, May 11, 2015

PTA Meeeting - May 7, 2015

Members Present:
Mrs. Price, Natalie Bartholomew, Beth Kunz, Amy Skinner, Emily Stout, Lisa Zupancic, Denise Heninger, Janice Carlsen, Angie Chapman, Cherish Curtis, Stephanie Hansen

Conducted By: Beth Kunz

Treasurer’s Report: Amy Skinner
* receipts due last day of school
* Audit to happen-date TBD new treasurer-Amy Powell and Stephanie Hansen to do.  Clarification is needed on how many should sit in on the audit

PTSA report: 
Canned Food Drive did okay.  Only three containers instead of four were filled.  Determined to do the food drive earlier in the year to not compete with all the yearend activities.  

Principal’s Report: 

Discussion Items:
* April Minutes approved by Cherish seconded by Beth
* Teacher Appreciation will be May 4-8.  So far has been awesome
* Field day-June 1 Will be an afternoon activity.  No water this year.  SBO and PTSA kids are in charge.  Order creamies through Costco-1000, this is the better price.  We will have access to the kitchen freezer for this activity.
* Memory Books will be handed out on June 2.  Start time is 7:50.  30 volunteers needed starting at 7:30.  Cherish will put this on the volunteer spot and Lisa will coordinate with the volunteers. Should take 45- minutes to an hour.  Dance(Music) will be in the afternoon.
* Memory Books/Membership for next year.  With registering for 2015-2016 the title will reflect memory book fundraiser. (an explanation of this being the PTA fundraiser and membership will be given)  There will also be a space for additional memberships and donations.  The cost will be $27.
* There will be no volunteer survey for 2015-2016, instead there will be contact information on the school website for those interested in participating in different activities.
* Jill and Marvelle to oversee the teacher luncheon on August 20??
* All reimbursement checks need to be turned in by last day of school

Counseling Center Items:
* Parent University is scheduled for May 6 and scholarships will be discussed.  
* District wide training for Utah scholars on May 20 for 2015-2016.  Natalie to see to a Skylert going out for volunteers interested in participating.  Suggestions were made to have the kids start the survey as their starter for the day and to do the sign up at home as a follow up to the class lecture.

Meeting Adjourned: 12:30 pm

Next Meeting-Thursday, Aug 27

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

OHMS PTA Meeting - Apr 9, 2015

Members Present:
Mr. Glenn, Natalie Bartholomew, Lauren Woodcock, Beth Kunz, Amy Skinner, Emily Stout, Lisa Zupancic, Marvelle Morgan

Conducted By: Beth Kunz

Treasurer’s Report: Amy Skinner

PTSA report: Lauren Woodcock
Canned Food Drive Top TA will receive donuts.  Candy will be handed out as a lunchroom treat

Principal’s Report: Mr. Glenn
* PTA closet needs to be emptied by the last week in May

Discussion Items:
* March Minutes approved by Stephanie seconded by Lauren
* Net Smartz is scheduled for Wed Sept 9.  White ribbon week will be in the Spring of 2016.  Decision made to do Fight the New Drug every three years, so 2016-2017
* Blue Ribbon week will be September 14-18. Utah anti bullying coalition is scheduled for Sept 14
* Teacher Appreciation will be May 4-8.  Mon- snacks in the teacher’s lounge.  Tues- Sonic slushes Wed-Lunch will be served by Texas Roadhouse.  Thurs-Self Serve Ice cream in the teacher’s lounge. Friday morning breakfast with a start time of 7:20.    
* Field day-June 1-Four volunteers will be needed-Cherish is one.  Lauren will oversee the dunk tank.  Consensus is to make field day more interactive and actual field activities. Order creamies through Vickie.
* Memory Books will be handed out on June 2.  Start time is 7:50 and will be books sorted by TA/or alphabetical.  30 volunteers needed starting at 7:30.  Should take 45- minutes to an hour.  Dance(Music) will be in the afternoon.
* All reimbursement checks need to be turned in by May 7 meeting.
* Bingham High to host Fight the New Drug on April 13 from 6-7 at Elk Ridge MIddle

Counseling Center Items:
* Parent University is scheduled for May 6 and scholarships will be discussed.  

Meeting Adjourned: 12:15 pm

Next Meeting-Thursday, May 7, 11:00 am at Schmidt’s Pasteries

Parent University Presentation

It's time for the final Parent University presentation. This program is designed to help parents learn the in's and out's of middle school and how to prepare for high school and college. It will be this Wednesday, May 6 at 7:00 P.M. This presentation will focus on Financial Aid and Scholarships. Even though your student is still in middle school, the time is now for you to start this process and preparing for college. We have put together a power point presentation discussing what preparations should be happening now. The meeting will be held in the auditorium and last for about an hour with time for questions at the end. Please remember this is for parents only. The presentation is not intended for students. We look forward to seeing you there. If you have any questions please contact your counselor. Thank you for your support of this program. We believe it has been a success and plan on doing it again next year.

Monday, March 9, 2015

OHMS PTA Meeting
March 5, 2015

Members Present:
Mr. Glenn, Natalie Bartholomew, Lauren Woodcock, Beth Kunz, Amy Skinner, Emily Stout, Brittany Maxfield, Cherish Curtis, Lisa Zupancic, Janice Carlsen, Marvelle Morgan

Conducted By: Beth Kunz

Treasurer’s Report: Amy Skinner

PTSA report: Lauren Woodcock
Canned Food Drive date to set-April?? Combine with the Soar kids and donuts for the winning TA

Principal’s Report: Mr. Glenn
* Thank you for the subs obtained for the funeral.  Can a memorial page be done for Adam Johnson?  Lisa to follow up on the details.

Discussion Items:
* February Minutes approved by Cherish seconded by Brittany
* Legislative Day went well.  Beth and Natalie attended.
* Red Ribbon week-successful.  Changes for next year to be considered-not doing on a short week.  Donuts were a hit.
* Decided to have Net Smartz in association with White ribbon week for next year.  Marvelle and Jill to take on.
* Blue Ribbon week to be scheduled in association with the Utah anti bullying coalition.  Natalie to check with Steve on if this has been scheduled.
* Discuss budget proposals for 2015-2016 in April
* ALPS orientation coming up on March 24 at 6:30.  Have a PTA member there to recruit members. 
* Teacher Appreciation will be May 4-8.  Lunch will be served on May 6-Texas Roadhouse.  Friday morning breakfast with a start time of 7:20.  Sonic slushes to be delivered one afternoon.  Use Pop stop?  Soft Serve ice cream? Catherine Hammond has machine

Counseling Center Items:
* Career Day March 10-401 volunteers to teach this day.  PTSA students to leave fourth period early to help direct presenters to their room.  Emily and Beth to come for check in at 9:45.

Meeting Adjourned: 12:55 pm

Next Meeting-Thursday, Apr 9, 11:00 am

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

OHMS PTA Meeting
February 5, 2015

Members Present:
Mr. Glenn, Natalie Bartholomew, Lauren Woodcock, Beth Kunz, Emily Stout, Brittany Maxfield, Stephanie Hansen, Lisa Zupancic, Karla Hendricks, Terri Price

Conducted By: Beth Kunz

Treasurer’s Report: Amy Skinner-excused

PTSA report: Lauren Woodcock
Working like crazy on red ribbon and suckers.  Mike Anderson helped plan the Day at the Captial.

Principal’s Report: Mr. Glenn
* Block Schedule discussed for testing week

Discussion Items:
* January Minutes approved by Brittany seconded by Stephanie
* Legislative Day under control-Mike Anderson helped make arrangments
* Recruiting PTA board members for 2015-2016 school year.  Brittany Maxfield to be president elect
* Red ribbon week-February 17-20 under control
* PTC Dinner March 4-Beth-pizza March 5-Brittany
* Book fair Mar 2-5-Voluntter sign-ups will be on the website
* Parents Night-Volunteers needed to help pass out packets-Stephanie and Beth will do

Counseling Center Items:
* Career Day March 10-email to be sent out to start recruiting volunteers.  45 volunteers needed.  20 have already volunteered.  A few PTA volunteers will be needed to direct traffic-Beth and Emily (will be there at 9:45)  Who do you know?

Meeting Adjourned: 12:15 pm

Next Meeting-Thursday, Mar 5, 11:00 am

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

OHMS PTA Meeting
January 8, 2015

Members Present:
Mr. Glenn, Natalie Bartholomew, Lauren Woodcock, Beth Kunz, Amy Skinner, Emily Stout, Brittany Maxfield, Cherish Curtis

Conducted By: Beth Kunz

Treasurer’s Report: Amy Skinner

PTSA report: Lauren Woodcock
Hoodies ordered.  Overspent by $55.  PTA to cover remaining costs
Valentine suckers will be done again this year

Principal’s Report: Mr. Glenn
* Jumprope for Life.  Shirts are now available as well as jumpropes
* Harmons day is on for April 22
* Discussion and plans shown for school remodeling plans this summer

Discussion Items:
* December Minutes approved by Beth seconded by Brittany
* Legislative Day.  Lauren will reserve the bus and get the permission slips taken care of.  Beth will replace Karla for the day.  $500 budget available for bus, sub and food
* Email will be sent out to start recruiting PTA board members for 2015-2016 school year.  Brittany Maxfield to be president elect
* Red ribbon week-February 17-20.  Activities will be done during TA.  Beth and Jeanean to oversee
* Oquirrh Hills will host council PTA meeting on January 22 at 11:45

Counseling Center Items:
* Natalie to book Net Smartz for first two weeks in Sept.  This will be scheduled in March, due to lady from Net Smartz being on Maternity leave
* White ribbon week-Sept
* Blue Ribbon Week-Nov
* Red Ribbon Week-Feb
* Career Day March 10-email to be sent out to start recruiting volunteers.  45 volunteers needed.  15 have already volunteered.  A few PTA volunteers will be needed to direct traffic.

Meeting Adjourned: 12:45 pm

Next Meeting-Thursday, Feb 5, 11:00 am

Friday, January 9, 2015

Welcome back we hope everyone had a great holiday break.  We are looking forward to a great 2015 with our great Oquirrh Eagles!

Reflection Winners – A Big Congratulations and a great job to everyone who participated!  We had some fabulous entries and a lot of really great work! The following are the winners from our school.

Visual Arts                                                                Photography

Thomas Barton                                                           McKayla Stone
Cynthia Wang                                                             Briah Pham
McKenna Andrus                                                       Ella Spigarelli
Danielle Mendenhall                                                  Emily LaBonty

Literature                                                                  Music

Emily LaBonty                                                           Ella Spigarelli

3-D Art

Thomas Barton

Reflections Winners that are moving on to district.

Cynthia Wang - Visual Arts
Emily LaBonty - Photography
Emily La Bonty - Literature
Ella Spigarelli - Music
Brian Pham - Photography