Thursday, September 15, 2016


OHMS PTSA - Agenda
September 1, 2016

Called to order: Brittany Maxfield
Meeting commenced at: 9:35 am
Pledge/Thought:  "Leadership is the capacity to translate a vision into reality."   - Warren G. Bennis
Attendance: Mr. Glenn, Mr. Cherry, Ms. Stirland, Denise Heninger, Noel Hinton, Beth Kunz, Emily Oldroyd, Emily Stout, Stephanie Hansen, Shannon Smith, Brittany Maxfield, Jill Smith

Welcome / Introductions – Brittany welcomed everyone and we went around the room and introduced everyone.

Overview of the Year / Year at a Glance – See attached sheet with Year calendar

President’s Report – Brittany Maxfield
·         Showed video “A Pep Talk from Kid President to You”
·         Thanked everyone for helping out
·         Theme for the year…We were made to be Awesome!
·         Brittany will create Facebook Page for OHMS PTSA
·         JetBlue Travel Certificates – there will be a drawing and all OHMS teachers who join the PTSA will have their names in the drawing
·         Mr. Monson has connections for food donations
·         Lifetouch Pictures needs volunteers to help on Sept 8th
2 all day or 4 ½ day  (Denise ½ day & Emily ½ day & Jill ½ day – will send out email for another ½ day volunteer – you get a free package if you help ½ day)

Treasurer’s Report and Budget - Stephanie Hansen
·         Fight the New Drug – added $2,000 to budget
·         Proposed new budget
·         Moved a few items around but $$ stayed the same
·         Mr Glenn motioned to approve budget
·         Brittany Maxfield seconded that motion
·         Be sure and ask for things to be donated if possible

PTC Dinners - Emily Oldroyd
·         The committee met earlier this week and planned the first meal
·         80’s themed party … The Village People??
·         Hamburgers/Hot dogs
·         Move tables and chairs outside to get some fresh air
·         They are checking with Wendy’s, Artic Circle, McDonalds, IceBurg, The Pie, Sizzler to donate
·         Plan a vegetarian meal at each dinner

PTSA Report – Ms.Stirland
·         Next week is SBO elections
·         After that will be PTSA kids elections

Red Ribbon Week – Beth Kunz
·         Beth will have something for each day
·         Will use some candy that was left over
·         Red snow cones
·         1140 kids this year

Counseling Center – Mr Cherry
·         Mr Cherry will call about Fight this New Drug Assembly
·         JATC field trip will be the 1st part of November. They will be going to both campuses – walk to south campus and bus to north campus.
·         Reality Town - Nov 17th? – They will need approximately 50 parent volunteers. We can put in on the volunteer site.

Principal’s Report – Mr Glenn
·         Smooth sailing so far
·         No major issues
·         JSD Bond Meeting Thurs, Sept 1 at 7:30 at OHMS
·         OHMS Happenings is emailed out each month to the parents

Calendar – If you need anything scheduled you can check with Terry or Audrey in the front office.

·         Brittany will make OHMS Facebook page
·         Mr Cherry will call about Fight the New Drug
·         Jill will send out email to get help for Lifetouch

New Business:

Next Meeting – Thursday, October 6th at 9:30 am

Volunteer Hours needed for President’s report… Please email your hours to Jill Smith at or text to 801-680-6363

Meeting adjourned: 10:45 am

OHMS Year at a Glance

Book Fair  19-23
PTC Dinners  21, 22

Red Ribbon Week 3-7
Reflections Due date 19

Eagle of the Quarter   1, 2, 3
Blue Ribbon Week 7-11
Netsmartz   9

Eagle of the Quarter 24, 25, 26

Book Fair 13-17
PTC Dinners 15, 16

White Ribbon Week 13-17
Assembly 14 ?
Eagle of the Quarter  28, 29, 30

Teacher Appreciation Week 1-5
Eagle of the Quarter 17,18,22
Field Day May 26

Friday, September 2, 2016

Welcome Back Eagles!

We hope everyone had a great summer!    Our new OHMS PTA President is Brittany Maxfield.  She has two students at OHMS, and has many years of experience working with the PTA. We know she will do a great job!  If you would like to help out email her at and let her know. 

The Reflections Program is underway! “What Is Your Story” is the theme for this year. You can enter a project in one or more of these categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and Visual Arts. The due date for entries is Wednesday, October 19th in the office. All the rules and forms can be accessed here - . You will need to complete a Student Entry Form, Artist Statement and Consent Form if required (please view the “Consent Form Guidelines”). Make sure you closely read and comply with the “Rules Summary” and the specific rules for the category(s) you enter. You may submit 1 entry PER category. Prizes for all participants…so, encourage your friends to participate. Get your creative juices flowing…we can’t wait to see what you create! Contact Noel Hinton 801-694-1764 or with any questions.
We also are posting a copy of the OHMS PTSA proposed budget for 2016-2017 school year.


Proposed 2015/16
Actual 2015/16
Proposed 2016/17
Balance Carried Forward


Membership Dues
PTSA Donations
Memory Books


Student Support

Balance to Carry Forward

Book fair and Sales Tax Reimbursement are not included on budget which is why Balance to Carry Forward 2015/2016 and Starting Balance don't equal.

We look forward to a great year working together!