OHMS PTSA - Minutes
April 6, 2017
Called to order: Brittany
Meeting commenced at: 1:15 pm
Attendance: Stephanie Hansen, Brittany Maxfield, Jill Smith,
Shannon Smith, Tressa Spigarelli, Emily Stout, Carly Stirland, Mike Glenn
1. Approval of minutes –
Motioned – Stephanie, 2nd Shannon
2. Treasurer's report – Stephanie reported we have
$19,083.53 – We had a $2,000 expense for the Fight the New Drug Assemblies and
approx. $200 for reimbursement for the Trip to the Capitol with the PTSA
3. PTSA report – Food Drive the week of April 24th
… May 1st start getting new PTSA students
4. Principal's Report – The Governor was here and the Eagle
of the Quarter went great!
5. Counseling Center – Mr. Cherry was at a conference but they
have the needs assessment online.
6. President’s Report
v Final
Reimbursements & AFR Help – Need 3 people to help close the books after
June 30th. Stephanie, Brittany and Jill will help another school and
they will do ours.
v Next Year’s Advisor
– Mrs Stirland!!! We are so happy to
have her back!
v Memory Book
Distribution – It’s Happening!! Tuesday, May 30th - Amy & Beth
are both working on it.
v White Ribbon Week
& Fight the New Drug Recap – We had one parent upset but about five kids
that came up afterwards and wanted help. It was totally worth it if we can help
a few kids! ** Suggestion to have the parent night the night before so parents
know what will be discussed. We will have a link in the newsletter with the
Fight the New Drug Video. The 7th & 8th grade
presentations were a little different than the 9th graders. A few of
the reasons that we do this at school are:
1. To get the information out there
2. Give the kids a resource to go to if needed
v Eagle of the
Quarter – Next one will be May 17, 17, 22
v Teacher
Appreciation Week –
Mon, May 1st - PTA Hand Sanitizer – Pink Yink Drink
Tues, May 2nd - Hop on Pop with popcorn bar and
Rootbeer Floats
Wed, May 3rd – Red Fish/Blue Fish – Pizza lunch – Papa
Thurs, May 4th – Star Wars, Princess Leah – Cinnamon
Rolls (7:30 am)
Fri, May 5th – Dessert Bar
v Field Day – Friday
May 26th – snow cones, popcorn, kickball, Frisbee, dunk tank,
softball, foam party (Herriman Fire Dept) B-ball in gym, Talent assembly
v Bylaws Expire 10/1/2017
– Post for 30-90 days
v Last week of
Mon – Memorial Day
Tues – Memory Book Handout – May 30th (call kids down by grade)
Wed – Awards Assembly 7, 8, 9th
Thurs – Lagoon Day
Fri – Last Day of School
7. Upcoming Activities
8. New Business – Gift for school from PTSA – options First Aid
Bucket with water bottles and granola bars and Ice machine for Teachers lounge
Next Meeting – Thursday, May 11th - 1:00 pm – Final
PTSA Luncheon
Volunteer Hours needed for President’s report… Please email
your hours to Jill Smith at mattjill88@gmail.com