OHMS PTSA – Meeting Minutes
October 5, 2017
Called to order: Shannon
Meeting commenced at: 12:39
Pledge/Thought: Shannon proposed that we say the “Pledge of
Allegiance” at our meetings. It was seconded and affirmed by a vote.
Attendance: Beth Kunz,
Stephanie Hansen, Maxine Conrad, Tressa Spigarelli, Emily Stout, Shannon Smith,
Brittany Maxfield, Noel Hinton, Steve Cherry, Denise Heninger, and Andrea
Hogan. Jill Smith and Mike Glenn excused.
President's Report – Shannon Smith
Council Meeting—discussed
lower membership numbers in recent years both in Utah and nationwide. Shannon
raised the question of how little money stays at the school level. Others
explained that higher level PTA members negotiate for Trustland funds. Without
greater membership and funding, we could lose positions at the state level.
September minutes
Treasurer’s Report and
Budget - Stephanie Hansen
Current balance is
$16265.54, and we have 187 members of PTSA at OHMS.
PTSA – Ms. Hogan
Had 25 Seventh graders
apply to be on the PTSA leadership team.
Has some new Eighth and
Ninth graders this year.
Working on a sweatshirt
design for the PTSA students.
Prison prints shirts at
cost. Contact at 801-576-7738 or uciclothing @utah,gov. Go to
companycasuals.com to get order number for the desired style.
Reflections – Noel
Due date is Wednesday,
Oct 11, 2017. She used PTSA students to help put up posters around the school.
She had vinyl banners to put up on the fences. The projects will be displayed
in the Media Center, nad there will be an awards breakfast in November. She
will pass out treats on Monday to make the students aware of the Reflections
due date, and Steve will send out a Skylert. (Later that deadline was extended
through Wednesday, Oct 18, 2017 at 3:00 PM. All students were sent a Skylert to
make them aware of the change.)
PTC Dinners – Oct 11
& 12 – Denise/Brittany
Wednesday is Soup,
Salad, Bread and Pumpkin Desserts
Thursday is a Taco
Bar—will have vegetarian and gluten-free options available.
Book Fair – Tressa
Feels that she has
enough help to set-up and run the Book Fair this year.
Eagle of the Quarter –
Everything on track for the
16th, 17th, and 18th. PTSA students will help
with this.
Principal’s Report – Mr.
Glenn (excused)
Counseling Center – Mr.
Reality Town—needs 50
volunteers. A lunch students will go first, and B lunch students will go
Vision Screening
10/24/17—needs 10 volunteers.
PTSA Flyer to hand out
at Parent/Teacher Conferences
New Business:
Blue Ribbon Week
feedback was positive.
Red Ribbon Week on track
will get 1200 donuts from Peterson’s for 11/6/17.
Memory Book—students working
on choosing a cover.
Ideas to boost PTSA
membership: Airborne, Fast Pass for lunch, Arctic Circle coupons, and student
drawings. For faculty—3 pairs of airline tickets for a total of 6 tickets (Jill
Next Meeting – Thursday,
November 2nd at 12:30 pm (first Thursday of each month)
Meeting adjourned: 1:47