Saturday, October 6, 2018

OHMS PTSA President's Message

Welcome Back Eagles!

We're planning to have another awesome year at OHMS. Our new president is Maxine Conrad. She has two students at Oquirrh Hills Middle School. She has a 9th grader and her youngest is in the 7th grade. She brings a unique perspective having grown up in England, and being educated there. She looks forward to getting to know the staff, students and parents here at Oquirrh Hills. At present we are trying to fill the position of president-elect. If you have a nominee—please let us know. If you would like to volunteer with the PTSA please email us at 

We have many great activities planned, including Reflections, Blue Ribbon Week, Red Ribbon Week, White Ribbon Week, Book Fair, and the Memory Book. Please join the PTSA in the office today. It is only $6.00, and it helps us to sponsor these many activities. PTSA meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 11:45 AM in the OHMS Board Room near the main office. Please feel free to join us for any of our upcoming meetings. Check out our blog on the OHMS website and our Facebook page.

The Reflections Program is underway! “Heroes Around Me” is the theme for this year. You can enter a project in one or more of these categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and Visual Arts. The due date for entries is Tuesday, October 16th in the office. All the rules and forms can be accessed here - . You will need to complete a Student Entry Form, Artist Statement and Consent Form if required (please view the “Consent Form Guidelines”). Make sure you closely read and comply with the “Rules Summary” and the specific rules for the category(s) you enter. You may submit 1 entry PER category. Prizes for all participants…so, encourage your friends to participate. Get your creative juices flowing…we can’t wait to see what you create! Contact Denise Heninger 801-540-1134 or with any questions.