Wednesday, January 21, 2015

OHMS PTA Meeting
January 8, 2015

Members Present:
Mr. Glenn, Natalie Bartholomew, Lauren Woodcock, Beth Kunz, Amy Skinner, Emily Stout, Brittany Maxfield, Cherish Curtis

Conducted By: Beth Kunz

Treasurer’s Report: Amy Skinner

PTSA report: Lauren Woodcock
Hoodies ordered.  Overspent by $55.  PTA to cover remaining costs
Valentine suckers will be done again this year

Principal’s Report: Mr. Glenn
* Jumprope for Life.  Shirts are now available as well as jumpropes
* Harmons day is on for April 22
* Discussion and plans shown for school remodeling plans this summer

Discussion Items:
* December Minutes approved by Beth seconded by Brittany
* Legislative Day.  Lauren will reserve the bus and get the permission slips taken care of.  Beth will replace Karla for the day.  $500 budget available for bus, sub and food
* Email will be sent out to start recruiting PTA board members for 2015-2016 school year.  Brittany Maxfield to be president elect
* Red ribbon week-February 17-20.  Activities will be done during TA.  Beth and Jeanean to oversee
* Oquirrh Hills will host council PTA meeting on January 22 at 11:45

Counseling Center Items:
* Natalie to book Net Smartz for first two weeks in Sept.  This will be scheduled in March, due to lady from Net Smartz being on Maternity leave
* White ribbon week-Sept
* Blue Ribbon Week-Nov
* Red Ribbon Week-Feb
* Career Day March 10-email to be sent out to start recruiting volunteers.  45 volunteers needed.  15 have already volunteered.  A few PTA volunteers will be needed to direct traffic.

Meeting Adjourned: 12:45 pm

Next Meeting-Thursday, Feb 5, 11:00 am

Friday, January 9, 2015

Welcome back we hope everyone had a great holiday break.  We are looking forward to a great 2015 with our great Oquirrh Eagles!

Reflection Winners – A Big Congratulations and a great job to everyone who participated!  We had some fabulous entries and a lot of really great work! The following are the winners from our school.

Visual Arts                                                                Photography

Thomas Barton                                                           McKayla Stone
Cynthia Wang                                                             Briah Pham
McKenna Andrus                                                       Ella Spigarelli
Danielle Mendenhall                                                  Emily LaBonty

Literature                                                                  Music

Emily LaBonty                                                           Ella Spigarelli

3-D Art

Thomas Barton

Reflections Winners that are moving on to district.

Cynthia Wang - Visual Arts
Emily LaBonty - Photography
Emily La Bonty - Literature
Ella Spigarelli - Music
Brian Pham - Photography