Sunday, December 31, 2017

December 2017 OHMS PTSA Meeting Minutes

OHMS PTSA - Minutes
December 7, 2017

Call to order/ Pledge: Shannon Smith
Meeting commenced at: 12:45 PM
Attendance: Shannon Smith, Maxine Conrad, Brittany Maxfield, Mike Glenn, Jill Smith, Stephanie Hansen, Denise Heninger, Tressa Spigarelli, Rebecca, VanSkyHawk, Beth Kunz, Steve Cherry

Approval of Minutes:

Food – Please grab some food!!

President's Report – Shannon Smith
·  Volunteers for Oquirrh Fest – Need volunteers in the morning and at both lunches.  Sent list around for sign ups.
·  Council Meeting – Reflections
Treasurer’s Report and Budget - Stephanie Hansen
·         $15, 115.82 – Starting Balance
·         $394.66 -  Health/Safety
·         $75.82 – Eagle of the Quarter
·         221.08 – Reflections
·         $43.12 – Reality Town
·         $206.12 – PTC dinners
·         $14,175.02 – Ending Balance
Reflections – There will changes on how to submit artwork
                        The awards breakfast was a good thing
                        The “Principal’s Award” should continue

Eagle of the Quarter – January – Things are in control! There was a suggestion to offer fruit at the breakfast as another option.

 Webpage – We need to post Meeting Minutes and Reminders

PTSA – Ms. Hogan

Principal’s Report – Mr. Glenn
·         Oquirrh Fest is going well. We have $7,000 so far but it usually goes up the last week. The jail is going great! There is so much positive energy!  Healing Hearts, Riverton Holiday Heroes. Gordman’s is matching up $2,500 to buy clothes for teens that need clothes. That should help about 250 kids.
·         Some of the different groups that came up with the ideas for Oquirrh Fest: PTSA, Stage Crew, SBO’s, Lit Magazine, Science Olympiad, Soar.
·         Next year they want to focus on a Service-a-thon at the Elementary

·         Voting on change for graduation requirements:
1.      Computer Tech – a mandatory 8th grade class was proposed. Currently, it is required in 7th or 8th. It will be called Digital Literacy – it is a 1 semester class.
2.      PE may only be required in 8th or 9th
·         Every teacher has a computer lab
·         Math is on video so they can watch it over if they need it.
·         Using Tech to make our classes more engaging
·         Kids are cheating – taking pictures and sending to friends.
·         More quizzes
·         Blended learning – learning technology to help with learning
·         Standard Based Grading – we are moving towards this in all classes.

Counseling Center – Mr. Cherry
·  Reality Town – Thank you for Reality Town!!
·  End of Year testing – usually 5 weeks and SAGE will be 1 essay instead of 2.
·  It will start May 7th and be in a 2-block schedule – different departments will test each day.
·  7-8th grade test
·  9th grade – no test
·  10th grade Inspire – ACT Prep test
·  11th ACT
·  BYU Credit Recovery Program – needs hours of work from Mr. Cherry. We will need to set it all up. We can pick standards we want to focus on. Our goal is to launch mid-way 3rd Quarter
·  Testing – May 18th
·  AP Test Geography will be at Oquirrh
·  Utah Scholars – not doing it this year.
·  Regents – there are changes in the program. It will be based more on need.
·  PTA Day at the Capital – Mr. Glenn must get a drug test. Andrea Hogan will be the other driver. Rebecca VanSkyHawk will be going this year.

New Business: 

Next Meeting – Thursday, January 11th at 12:30 pm (2nd Thursday next month)

January Meeting Date

Our OHMS January PTSA Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 11, 2018 at 12:30 PM. All are invited to attend.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

November 2017 OHMS PTSA Meeting Minutes

OHMS PTSA Meeting Minutes
November 2, 2017

Called to order: Shannon Smith
Meeting commenced at: 12:35 PM
Pledge/Thought:  Shannon
Attendance:  Shannon Smith, Stephanie Hansen, Beth Kunz, Emily Stout, Maxine Conrad, Rebecca VanSkyHawk, Tressa Spigarelli, Jennie Maestri, Jill Smith, Denise Heninger, Steve Cherry, Mike Glenn

President's Report – Shannon Smith
·         Cone meeting/volunteer hours – This is a meeting between all school for questions, concerns and updates. *Required 4 times/year
·         Includes Riverton, South Hills, OHMS and Feeder Elementary Schools
·         1st Hour – Counselors *R277-717 Law trying to pass for credit recovery.
·         2nd Hour – Counselors, Admin, PTA, CTE, Community Partner (RPT)
·         Talked about Credit Recovery, BYU, 27 credits to graduate, Mastery Grading

Treasurer’s Report and Budget – Stephanie Hansen
·         Budget
·         Starting Balance $16,265.54
·         Spent $2,177.48
·         Ending Balance $15,115.76 for October 2017
·         Plug for Membership

PTC Dinners
·         Dinners were great! There are a few leftovers for next month PTA Meeting.
·         Budget for Teacher’s Bdays is $200.00

Book Fair – Tressa
·         We made $1,300 Scholastic Dollars
·         $400 for Language Arts Teachers
·         $900 for the school
·         We got an extra $100 this time because we put it in the newsletter

Reflections – Oct 11th – Noel/Jennie reported
·         Breakfast Nov 9th during TA for winners
·         We had about 50 entries
·         Principal’s Award

Red Ribbon Week November 6-10 - Beth Kunz
·         We need volunteers Wed and Friday during both lunches to help with games and handing out donuts
·         Our theme is Real Heroes Don’t Do Drugs
·         Monday - Who’s your hero?
·         Tuesday – 1St Responders
·         Wednesday – Don’t Do Drugs – Military Camo/Red
·         Thursday – Teacher Hero – Wear Teacher favorite color/crazy hair day
·         Friday – Superheroes are Drug Free

Principal’s Report – Mr. Glenn
·         Mr. Glenn thanked the PTSA for: Blue Ribbon Week, Red Ribbon Week, Parent/Teacher Conference Dinners, Book Fair
·         Technology Update: We got a grant for 9 more Chromebook computers, 3 more mobile labs, 2 more Ed Tech $$
·         Every teacher has a mobile lab
·         Canvas/Google Classroom
·         Nov 15th – Fine Arts Field Trip to Riverton for Play

Counseling Center – Mr. Cherry
·         Reality Town – Nov 7th from 8:00 – 9:45 and 10:00 - 11:45
·         Job based on GPA from 7th & 8th grade
·         Standard Based Grading – starting next semester in Language Arts for Grades 7, 8 and 9 (Grades are 4, 3, 2, 1)
·         BYU Credit Recovery – Trying to get launched before Christmas

Update:  PTSA bought 300 beanies - $7.00, trucker hats and baseball caps - $10.00 and socks for Student of the Month.

Next Meeting – Thursday, December 7nd at 12:30 pm (first Thursday of each month)