Thursday, February 1, 2018

January 2018 OHMS PTSA Meeting Minutes

OHMS PTSA - Minutes
January 11, 2018

Called to order: Shannon Smith
Meeting commenced at: 12:42 PM
Pledge: Shannon Smith
Attendance: Shannon Smith, Maxine Conrad, Emily Stout, Beth Kunz, Andrea Hogan, Denise Heninger, Steve Cherry, Mike Glenn, Tressa Spigarelli, Stephanie Hansen, Jill Smith

President's Report – Shannon Smith
·  Volunteer hours:  OquirrhFest – Please log your hours on the volunteers sheet. Next President’s report is due February 1st.
·  Minutes from December 2017 PTSA Meeting approved.
·  Cone meeting
·  SCC Meeting tonight if anyone wants to attend.
·  Year at a glance and meeting times – decided to leave meeting at 12:30 pm the 1st Thursday of each month.
·  Board members next year: Still need to fill a few positions
o    President – Maxine Conrad
o    Pres. Elect –
o    Secretary – Denise Heninger
o    Treasurer – Amy Powell
o    Legislative –
o    Volunteer Coordinator - 
o    Membership –
o    Red Ribbon -
o    Blue Ribbon – Beth Kunz
o    White Ribbon -
o    Reflections –
o    Teacher Appreciation/Birthdays/PTC Dinners –
o    Book fair Chair – Tressa Spigarelli
o    Webpage Coordinator –
o    Eagle of the Quarter –
o    Memory Book Co Chairs – Beth Kunz / Amy Powell
·         February is PTA Membership Drive month – We will send out an announcement to all parents that we will be putting everyone’s name in a drawing for JetBlue tickets if they join the PTSA.  Jill will get a list of what PTA does for you to send out on the announcement.
·         WHY – We Help You

Book Fair – Mar 13th and 15th - Tressa is working on it. We need to get volunteers to sign up to help.

Parent / Teacher Conference – Mar 13th and 15th
·         One day will be Hawaiian Feast
·         Second day still figuring out – possibly a Food Truck
·         (Lots of options were thrown out: Rumby, CafĂ© Rio, Jim’s, Olive Garden, Sizzlers, Kneaders, Costa Vida, Salsaleedos, Marco’s Pizza, Texas Roadhouse, Midvale Mining

March White Ribbon Week – Mar 19 – 22 - Wendy Osborn is in charge. She can contact Mr. Cherry if she needs any help.  In the past we have had different activities on each day. Some examples are: White Out (everyone wears all white), 500 white flags with signatures on each side, hand out cookies or donuts at lunch, Video clip during TA, etc

Treasurer’s Report and Budget - Stephanie Hansen

Reflections - Noelle

Eagle of the Quarter 9-11- Emily

PTA Day at the Capitol – Beth Kunz and Rebecca VanSkyHawk
·         They are deciding between getting a bus ($250) or renting suburbans
·         PTSA students will go and are considering asking the SBO’s to attend this year
·         Contacting Lt Gov Cox to see if we can get in to see him.
·         February 22nd is the date planned
·         Budget is $350.00 this year to cover transportation and lunch at the Capitol
·         Last year we spent $282.30

PTSA – Ms. Hogan
·         Thank you for all the help during OquirrhFest!
·         One PTSA Student has moved (Penelope) and they will be using the Alternate to take her place.
·         Book Fair Volunteers from PTSA – They will get one student per per shift to help.
·         They are working on getting hoodies for PTSA students. The cost is $17.29 each. Usually the students pay $5.00 and the school covers the rest.

Principal’s Report – Mr. Glenn
·         IB Programs at High Schools – all schools have to apply to be an IB School and the Board will select which school
·         The School Board will fund the program
·         All schools  have to have similar classes
·         Hillcrest does it now.
·         State changes to Middle School class offerings
·         Graduation Requirements are changing
·         New Class is Digital Literacy that will be offered in 7th or 8th in place of keyboarding

Counseling Center – Mr. Cherry
·         Rah Rah January 25 for incoming Seventh Grade Students
·         Meeting about Seventh Grade Registration for Parents and Students January 25 at 6:00 PM
·         Study Skills Update

Other business:  JetBlue Travel Certificates – Jill
·         We discussed when would be the best time to have the ticket valid for. We decided as a group to have them good from June 1, 2018 – May 31, 2019. Jill will get them ordered and then we will decide how to distribute them between parents and teachers for the Membership drive in February.

Next Meeting – Thursday, February 1st, 2018 at 12:30 pm (first Thursday of each month)

Meeting adjourned: 

OHMS PTSA Board Nominations for 2018-2019 School Year

The Nominating Committee has proposed the following people to fill these positions–These officers are to be elected in March – So far this is our list:
1.      President – Maxine Conrad
2.      Pres Elect –
3.      Legislative – Rebecca Van Sky Hawk
4.      Treasurer – Amy Powell
5.      Secretary – Denise Heninger