Tuesday, March 27, 2018

March 2018 OHMS PTSA Meeting Minutes

OHMS PTSA - Minutes
March 1, 2018

Called to order: Shannon Smith
Meeting commenced at: 12:42
Pledge: Shannon Smith
Attendance: Emily Stout, Mike Glenn, Steve Cherry, Maxine Conrad, Stephanie Hansen, Tressa Spigarelli, Beth Kunz, Shannon Smith, Jill Smith, Andrea Hogan

President's Report – Shannon Smith
·  Board members next year – Post new board members on the front door window for 30 days. It has been on the website for 30 days now.
·  Study skill teachers – Shannon got $25 in swag for them and we wrote a card to each Teacher. Hopkins and Broadhead.  Shannon was able to get: t-shirt, socks, soap bombs, megaplex tickets, Red Robin and Sodalicious gift card
·  Career Day March 8th – Still need volunteers for this
·  Utah Scholars – Need volunteers March 8th 7:50- 10:30 and 12:00 to 2:30
·  PTA training March 8th
·  Battle of the Bands March 6thRegion Concert at Rivertson @ 6:30 PM $5.00
·  How to disburse JetBlue tickets? (8 round trips) – We decided Admin – 1pair of tickets, Teacher Appreciation – 2 pairs of tickets, PTA Parents – 1pair of tickets
Treasurer’s Report and Budget - Stephanie Hansen
·         Balance Ending Feb 2018 - $28,039.04

PTA Day at the Capitol - Rebecca, Leg report – Capitol Hill went GREAT!!
·         Kids were great!
·         Better than last year!
·         Highlight was Lt Governor – Spencer Cox
·         Discussed having Lt Governor come speak @Hope Week at RHS – What about at OHMS?

PTSA – Ms. Hogan

Principal’s Report – Mr. Glenn

Counseling Center – Mr. Cherry –
·         Job Shadow Day -  All day Job shadowing for 7th graders
·         Career Day – All day Career Day for 8th and 9th graders
·         Mr. Chery presented the Career Day Schedule
·         Students will stay in their classes
·         Teachers and presenters will rotate
·         CTE Coordinator at RHS – Gail Whitefield has asked for 2 years for 9th graders to come see what classes the offer at RHS.

White Ribbon Week - March 19 -22
·         PTSA Kids have made some posters.
·         Instead of “Just say NO” Campaign discussed “Just say Yes to…..” campaign
·         Donuts from Pedersons
·         White Airheads
·         White Flags to sign and put in the front lawn
·         White bracelets

Eagle of the Quarter March - 27-29 – Emily has it under control

Spring Recess - April 2-6 other April business?

Other business:
·         Last Quarter Soar Store: Ticket given by Teachers and Students go on Fridays to the Soar Store.  Some gifts include socks, hats, pencils, treats
·         May Meeting – Farewell Luncheon
·         May 22 – Field Day – We have a $700 budget – Some ideas are: Lasso Golf, Human Foosball, 9 Square, Slip & Slide Softball, Snowcones, Fire Department spray hoses, Dunk Tank, Wizards chest, Quiddich, Connect 4 games, Corn Hole game (bean bag toss)
·         June 1st – Last day of school


New Business:

Next Meeting – Thursday, April 12, 2018 at 12:30 p(first Thursday of each month)
May - Teacher Appreciation 7-11, Eagle of the Quarter 15-17, Field Day 22 – PTSA provides volunteers.

Meeting adjourned:

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

February 2018 OHMS PTSA Meeting Minutes

OHMS PTSA - Minutes
February 1, 2018

Called to order: Shannon Smith
Meeting commenced at: 12:46
Pledge: Shannon Smith
Attendance: Shannon Smith, Rebecca Van SkyHawk, Denise Heninger, Maxine Conrad, Stephanie Hansen, Emily Stout, Jill Smith, Andrea Hogan, Mike Glenn, Steve Cherry, Beth Kunz

Approve Minutes from January PTSA Meeting  - Beth approved, Stephanie seconded
Denise will post nominations for 30 days on the website

President's Report – Shannon Smith
·  Board members for next year - President elect???
·              Pres – Maxine Conrad
·              Pres Elect -
·              Treasurer – Amy Powell
·              Secretary – Denise Heninger
·              Legislative VP - Rebecca VanSkyHawk

·  March White Ribbon week – March 19-22, 2018. Wendy Osborn was supposed to help but Shannon can’t get a hold of her.
·  Council Meetings—Leap Awards due in January
·  Battle of the Bands - The big concert with all the winners will be March 6th at 7:00 pm at Riverton High School.  Peanut Butter Octopus is the band from Riverton that made it.
·  Training in May 23-24 - This is the big PTA Training at UVU. They are looking for volunteers to help. If you want to attend let Stephanie know so she can pay for you.
·  District Treasurer Training – March 8th 11:45 am at Joel P Jensen
·  LEAP awards – We didn’t do anything with these this year, but we should look into them for next year.
·  Nominating Committee: Beth Kunz, Brittany Maxfield, Jill Smith

Treasurer’s Report and Budget – Stephanie Hansen
·         Our Balance is $28,004.24

Book Fair -Tressa Feb12-16 – She wasn’t there but will need help filling shifts. Sign up online

PTC Dinners Feb 13TH and 15th
·         Sign  up to help with P/T Conferences and Book fair
·         Dinners will be served at 3:00 pm on each day
·         Feeding 75-80 People
·         Hawaiian Feast – pulled pork, rolls, salad, dessert
·         Lasagna – salad, crazy bread (Denise checking with Olive Garden)

PTA Day at the Capitol – Feb. 22nd - Rebecca, Beth, Ms Hogan
·         Field Trip to Capitol from 8:30 am to 2:20 pm
·         9:30 am - Dan McKay
·         10:00 am – Tour of Capitol
·         10:45 - Lunch with Lt Gov at Capitol
·         11:30 – On the Floor (30 min House floor, 30 min Senate floor)
·         1:00 Governor Mansion
·         Mike Anderson will help facilitate

PTSA – Ms. Hogan
·         Still need to replace one student
·         Sweatshirts are coming
·         Feb 22nd – Day at the Capitol – Students to dress up
·         They will taking a bus to the Capitol
·         Students are signed up to help with the Bookfair
·         Students have submitted yearbook covers
·         They will be selling Valentine suckers from Feb 5th – Feb 14th  (.25 cent each)
·         Need permission slips for PTA Day at the Capitol

Membership Drive

Principal’s Report – Mr. Glenn
·         Mr. Glenn has some names for the PTSA Board next year: Adrienne Borg, Cassie Steiner, Sabrina Hubbard, Katie Anderson
·         School Board has audited all the schools – They don’t want the schools to hoard $$
·         OHMS will be buying a popcorn machine, snow cone machine and will pay for some fees next year for all students.
·         The have the General Fund to use to pay for things
·         Intermural Girls Basketball Team – Going to do a tournament

Counseling Center – Mr. Cherry
·         Career Day – March 8th Gayle Whitefield and Buffy Blunk from RHS are coordinating with OHMS this year.
·         They will have an all day Career Day on the 7th Grade Job Shadow Day
·         ½ of 9th will go on tour at RHS for CTE
·         All 8th and ½ 9th will be on 3 rotation with 2 – 25 min presentations
·         All 9th will have A lunch and 8th will go to assemble by JATC
·         Other ½ of 9th of go to RHS for tour
·         8th will have B lunch then a 4-5 College Panel
·         Feb 15th is the JATC Open House at both campuses
·         This is the 1st year they are trying this and will see how it works out or if it’s a train wreck!
·         Mr. Anderson said they are focusing on WPU – Weighted Pupil Unit – Working on quality teachers, teacher pay, mental health and salaries
·         SAGE Testing – This is the last year. There will be a new test through 8th grade.
·         Trying to get the ACT Aspire Test for 9th graders
·         If 8-12 constituents call a Legislature person, it will make things happen.
·         Dan McKay – 801-810-4110 – office …. 801-560-0400 … 801-891-6253 mobile
·         We should all make an effort to call Dan McKay and let him know… “We are aware that SAGE is no longer the states test for 9th grades starting 2018-2019. The new test only goes through 8th grade. We would like to propose that the ACT Aspire is brought in for the 9th graders. It is a good pre-test to the ACT they will take in 11th grade.
·         We would like the kids to take the test in Feb so that the results will be back in time for the counselors to discuss results in march with the students and their parents.
·         Study Skills Class : Teachers – Broadhead and Hopkins. They would like to give them a gift card for $25 to each teacher during each session.
·         Registration – 7th and 9th grade due by Feb 7th … 8th grade due by Feb 8th
·         Feb 20th - Job Fair
·         March 12 and 13th – Sophomore Orientation at RHS
·         April 18th – RHS Admin will come to OHMS for 9th grade orientation for Arena Scheduling
·         April 20th – Parent Night for Arena Scheduling
·         April 26-27 Arena Scheduling Begins at 4:00 pm

Other business:

Membership Drive – Denise will put a blurb on the website about joining the PTSA and entering to win JetBlue Tickets

Eagle of the Quarter – March 27-29

White Ribbon Week


 New Business:  PTA Field Day
·         We have $750.00 set aside for this in the budget for PTA

 Next Meeting – Thursday, March 1, 2018 (12:30)

Meeting adjourned:  2:23 pm