Thursday, September 27, 2018

September 2018 OHMS PTSA Meeting Minutes

Oquirrh Hills Middle School PTSA Meeting
September 6, 2018

Welcome/Pledge: Maxine
Start time: 11:47 AM
Attendance: Denise Heninger, Amy Powell, Tressa Spigarelli, Emily Stout, Maxine Conrad, Steve Cherry, Mike Glenn, Jill Smilth, and Andrea Hogan. (Brittany Maxfield & Rebecca Van Sky Hawk—excused)
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Maxine; second by Tressa—vote was affirmative.
Treasurer’s Report & Budget—Amy Powell: Soar amount and Field Day numbers were accidentally switched on draft. Amy to ask Becky if the school needs reimbursement ($500) for Emergency Buckets. Discussed grant for school for Soar Store. Reimbursements will be done once a month. Suggestion for school gift: concrete benches for the students along the front of building under the overhanging roof area. Should have a “Needs Assessment” in the spring. Approval of Budget: Motion by Jill; second by Tressa—vote was affirmative.

PTSA Report—Andrea Hogan: Applications being accepted for 7th Grade PTSA students. Will select 4 or 5. Google form sent to teachers to recommend students. The PTSA students are helping with the combined Blue and White Ribbon Week.

Book Fair—Tressa Spigarelli: Set-up on 9-28. Will get money for change from Amy. The book fair will be open before school, during lunch and during Parent/Teacher Conferences. PTSA students will put up posters and help run the Book Fair. Mr. Cherry will send out a Skyward email to find parent volunteers to sign-up online. There will be teacher gifts for Language Arts, Reading, and Special Education teachers to get books.

Blue & White Ribbon Week—Beth Kunz: 9/24 to 9/28. Netsmartz assembly on the 27th.Blue Ribbon Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, and White Ribbon Days: Thu and Fri. Colin Kartchner “Let’s Get Real” Assembly 9/18/18 about setting healthy Social Media Boundaries.

Red Ribbon Week: January 22-25, 2019. Wendy Osborne will be in charge, Beth, Denise and Amy will assist.

President’s Report—Maxine Conrad:
            This Year’s Board—Still need a President Elect and several other positions filled.
            Parent Teacher Conferences – Dinners (Wed Oct 3 and Thu Oct 4)—May need extra help.
            Setup Table with PTA Info at Parent Teacher Conferences with a more exciting theme!!!
            Reflections Update—Denise will work with Noel Hinton and Jill Smith
            Ethics and Fiscal Management – Board members signed both forms.

Principal’s Report—Mike Glenn:

            OHMS Enrollment is 1113 for 2018
Calendar Items/Year-at-a-Glance needs to be updated and sent to Terry Price
            Netsmartz Assembly September 27th—Internet Saftey
Hope Squad—Audrey Fish: Students nominate peers to help in time of crisis/ put together squad by next week. Ms. Patty, Ms. Allsop, Ms. Anderson and Mr. Williams are advisors. Will meet the last Wednesday of the month. There will be Hope Squad t-shirts and hoodies.

Counseling Center—Steve Cherry:
            Nicole Thurmond is the new counselor: her students are H to O
            7th grade Field Trip to Weedon Farm on 9/19/18—two sessions. Need parents chaperones to come.
            Reality Town 11/1/18 will need 50 volunteers.
            Suicide Prevention will be presented to each grade level at different times.

New Business:
Emily Stout: Eagle of the Quarter is scheduled for 10/30; 10/31; and 11/1. Will check for possible conflicts with Halloween.

Next Meeting:  October 4, 2018 @ 11:45 AM
Meeting Adjourned: 12:54 PM

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