Wednesday, July 17, 2019

October 2018 OHMS PTSA Meeting Minutes

OHMS PTSA – Meeting Minutes
October 4, 2018

Meeting commenced at: 12:02 PM
Pledge/Thought:  Maxine Conrad—minute of silence for Kaiden Cherrington; shared ideas on how to remember her in the memory book.
Attendance: Mike Glenn, Denise Heninger, Maxine Conrad, Rebecca Van Skyhawk, Jill Smith, Tressa Spigarelli, Andrea Hogan, Emily Stout, Beth Kunz, and Steve Cherry

Treasurer’s Report and Budget – Amy Powell (Excused) Put labeled receipts in an envelope and put them in the PTSA mailbox.

PTSA – Andrea Hogan—7th grade PTSA student representatives chosen; Blue/White Ribbon went well.

President's Report – Maxine Conrad
·         Council Meeting/Luncheon—Beth did an amazing job organizing the luncheon.
·         Approve September Minutes—Beth motioned and Tressa 2nd; all approved
·         Need to continue recruiting for new members
·         Discussed the boundary changes and impact on OHMS student population
·         Record volunteer hours

PTC Dinners – Oct 3 & 4 – Jill Smith/Brittany Maxfield: Dinners went well; discussed the gluten-free/vegetarian concerns

Book Fair – Tressa Spigarelli: Things are going well; Language Arts classes came down for a preview.

Reflections – Due on Oct 16th - Denise Heninger: Posters around the school/packets in the office.

Eagle of the Quarter—Emily Stout will be on October 29th, 30th, and 31st.

Principal’s Report—Mike Glenn
·         Our OHMS theme is “be.” He handed out pins and asked us to fill in the blank.
·         What do we want to be?
·         Oquirrh Fest/Rush—still wants to do a serv-a-thon but trying to figure out logistics.
·         SOAR Store will be open every other Friday; can use SOAR Bucks
·         The PTSA makes a difference in our school

Counseling Center—Steve Cherry
·         Reality Town – will need 50 volunteers need a Sign-up Spot
·         First session 8:15 to 9:45
·         Second session 10:00 to 11:15
·         TCR’s start 11-5-18 and go through the end of January
·         Experienced the highest growth in SAGE testing this past year

New Business: Should we have a bench to commemorate the students we have lost? Concerns about suicide.

Next Meeting – Thursday, November 8th at 11:45 am

Meeting adjourned:12:16 (Jill motioned and Tressa 2nd: all approved.)
***These minutes were inadvertently not posted last October.

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