OHMS PTSA Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2018
Called to order: Denise
Meeting commenced at:
11:50 AM
Pledge/Thought: Denise Heninger
Attendance: Denise
Heninger, Rebecca VanSkyHawk, Emily Butler, Steve Cherry, Emily Stout, Andrea
Hogan, Tressa Spigarelli, Mike Glenn, and Amy Powell.
Excused: Maxine
Conrad—out of town for work; Brittany Maxfield—at work; Jill Smith—family
Treasurer’s Report and
Budget: Amy Powell
Budget—Everything looks good so far, and is under budget
Balance—October 1, 2018: $16,901.75
Will write reimbursement checks at meeting
Reality Town water coming out of which budget?
PTSA: Andrea Hogan
Oquirrh Fest Volunteers—supervise cash boxes before school and
during lunches.
Oquirrh Fest Activities—Christmas suckers and scrunchies; students
making posters.
PTC Dinners: Jill Smith
& Brittany Maxfield
Soups and Hawaiian Haystacks in February
Book Fair: Tressa
Made $2900 in sales; received $1400 back in Scholastic dollars
which were used by teachers to purchase books for their classrooms.
Eagle of the Quarter:
Emily Stout
Went well—dates for January 15-17
Reflections – Denise
Breakfast Nov 7th during TA for winners—we had about 20
Principal’s Award
Due to Council on November 16th
Could use more teacher involvement to boost student involvement.
Red Ribbon Week: Beth Kunz and Wendy Osborne
January 22-25, 2019
Principal’s Report: Mike
School Board will meet on Tuesday to finalize new boundaries.
Might impact ALPS students
Oquirrh Fest coming at the end of November/will emphasize serving
to raise money
Counseling Center: Steve
Standards Based Grading
Collaboration helps to boost scores
8th Grade individual meetings/PCCR’s/4-year plan can
now be accessed on Skyward
Only 86 total F’s in 1st Quarter/down from other years.
President's Report – Denise Heninger
Nominations for
Membership Drive/contest give away plane tickets as prizes
New Business:
Meeting adjourned: 1:03
Next Meeting: Thursday, December
6th at 11:45 AM
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