Wednesday, March 20, 2019

March 2019 OHMS PTSA Meeting Minutes

OHMS PTSA Agenda—March 7, 2019

Meeting commenced at: 11:46 AM
Pledge: Denise Heninger
Attendance: Denise Heninger, Amy Powell, Tressa Spigarelli, Donna Hunter, Steve Cherry, Emily Butler, Jessica Raguskus, Kristen Young, Beth Kunz, Cheryl Anderson, Jill Smith, Emily Stout.

Treasurer’s Report and Budget: Amy Powell—Balance is $15,395.58

PTSA Report: Andrea Hogan—Capitol trip went well. PTSA students will help with Memory Book, Valentine’s Sucker sales went well. It was suggested to send out an email so parents know about it, and can send money with their students.

Book Fair: Tressa Spigarelli—$1900 approximate sales. Students accepted paying sales tax without complaint. Many leftover posters. Let teachers go through them and extras can go to Mrs. Doehler.

President's Report – Maxine Conrad (Excused) Denise Heninger conducting meeting
·  Approve February Minutes—Tressa motion; Beth second; approved.
·  Picture Day March 8, 2019—Don’t need any help.
·  Field Day will be held on May 28, 2019
·  Memory book reminder to go out and price will increase.

OHMS PTSA Board Members for 2019-2020
·         o    President –
·         o    Pres. Elect –
·         o    Secretary – Tiffany Barlow
·         o    Treasurer –
·         o    Legislative – Jessica Raguskus
·         o    Volunteer Coordinator – Janice Carlsen
·         o    Membership – Katie Murray
·         o    Red Ribbon – Maxine Conrad and Amy Powell and PTSA students
·         o    Blue Ribbon – Maxine Conrad and Amy Powell and PTSA students
·         o    White Ribbon – Maxine Conrad and Amy Powell and PTSA students
·         o    Reflections –
·         o    Teacher Appreciation/PTC Dinners – Emily Butler & Kristen Young
·         o    Book fair Chair – Tressa Spigarelli
·         o    Webpage Coordinator – Tiffany Barlow
·         o    Eagle of the Quarter – Emily Stout
·         o    Memory Book Co Chairs – Amy Powell &
·         o    Teacher Birthdays – Kimberly Navratil and PTSA students

PTA Day at the Capitol: (Rebecca Van Skyhawk – excused due to illness)— was awesome!

Principal’s Report: Mrs. Hunter— Likes working with the supportive community and that is a plus for hiring new staff.

Counseling Center: Mr. Cherry—
·         Job Shadow Day -  All day Job shadowing for 7th graders was today.
·         Career Day – All day Career Day for 8th and 9th graders was today.
·         Walking Field Trip to RHS – on April 3rd.
·         9th Grade PCCR’s, Sophomore Orientation, Arena Scheduling Presentation in near future.
·         Fight the New Drug will be next year and needs to be included in the budget.

Eagle of the Quarter: Emily Stout—March 26-28 List is sent and medals ordered.

New Business: Spring Recess: April 15-19

Next Meeting: Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 11:45 AM (Cone meeting here the same day @ 11:30 AM.)
Meeting adjourned: 12:46 PM

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