Minutes—February 7, 2019
commenced at: 11:45 AM
Pledge: Maxine Conrad
Maxine Conrad, Jill Smith, Tressa Spigarelli, Donna Hunter, Denise Heninger,
Emily Stout, Emily Butler, and Steve Cherry
Treasurer’s Report and Budget:
Amy Powell Balance is $15,395.58
check reimbursements without a signed request form.)
PTSA Report:
Andrea Hogan (absent) It was reported that the PTSA students helped with Red
Ribbon Week.
Book Fair:
Tressa Spigarelli
Online sign-up
Set-up—Friday, February 8, 2019
Book Fair Dates—February 11-13, 2019
$5 gift certificate for teachers @ book
Classroom previews with Language Arts
teachers on Monday and Tuesday
President's Report:
Maxine Conrad
Approved Minutes from January PTSA
Meeting (Rebecca 1st & Donna 2nd)
Teacher of the Month for 2019-2020
Secondary Council Meeting
Council splitting to Middle School and
High School levels
ALPS @ OHMS for one more year and then
at Joel P. Jensen
Nominating Committee:
2019-2020 OHMS PTSA Board
President: ?
President-Elect: ?
Secretary/Web page Coordinator:
Tiffany Barlow (Emily S.)
Treasurer: ?
Legislative: Jessica Raguskus
Volunteer Coordinator: ?
Membership: ?
Red Ribbon: Maxine Conrad and Amy
Powell work together with the PTSA students
White Ribbon: Plan ahead and combine
white and blue ribbon weeks
Blue Ribbon: Do one week each semester
Reflections: ?
Teacher Appreciation/Birthdays/PTC
Dinners: Emily Butler
Book Fair Chair: Tressa Spigarelli
Eagle of the Quarter: Emily Stout
Memory Book Co-Chairs: Amy Powell
& ?
PTC Dinners: Brittany,
Emily, Jill, and Noel
Feb 12th—French Dip sandwiches
and Rice Crispy Treats
Feb 13th—Walking Tacos and
Unfried Fried Ice Cream
PTA Day at the Capitol:
Rebecca Van Skyhawk—Thursday, February 21
and SBO students will attend with Rebecca, Beth, Ms. Hogan, Mrs. Broadhead,
Mrs. Hunter, and Mr. Cherry as chaperones. Bus will leave @ 8:30 and return @
2:30. Meet with representatives, tour capital, meet Lt. Gov, tour City/County
Building. $10 per student for lunch will be provided by the PTSA.
Memory Book:
Beth Kunz—Book is coming along. Table at PTC to have parents check for book
Principal’s Report:
Donna Hunter—OHMS is a good fit for her, and she is very happy to be here.
Terry is the new head secretary. There will be teacher changes, but Mrs. Hunter
is working to fill all positions for 2019-2020.
Counseling Center:
Steve Cherry
Career Day—March 7th 40
careers represented 2—30” presentations Job shadow for 7th graders.
9th Grade walking Field Trip
to RHS—Thursday February 14th (Needs sign up 12 parents/2 times)
Eagle of the Quarter:
Emily Stout—March 26-28
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