Monday, April 11, 2011


WRAP (White Ribbon Against Pornography) Week starts this Thursday! WRAP is an anti-pornography campaign. Some helpful information and resources have been posted on this blog. In addition, there will be an assembly for students and various activities designed to make students aware of the dangers of pornography. Here is the schedule of activities:

Thurs., Apr. 14th - "Boot" out pornography. Western dress day and the 7th grade assembly.

Fri., Apr. 15th - Wear white!

Mon., Apr. 18th - White Airhead candy will be passed out to students during TA with the slogan: Don't be an "airhead" - avoid pornography.

Tues., Apr. 19th - Superhero day. Dress as your favorite superhero - only you can save yourself from pornography. 8th grade assembly.

Weds., Apr. 20th - Sign the "Eagles Soar Above Pornography" banner at lunch committing not to view pornography and receive a cookie. 9th grade assembly.

The assemblies will be put on by the administration, psychologist, and counselors of OHMS. If you have any questions, contact Principal Mike Anderson at 412-2350 or PTSA President Marvelle Morgan at 661-5713 or

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