Wednesday, February 6, 2019

January 2019 OHMS PTSA Meeting Minutes

OHMS PTSA Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2019

Meeting commenced at: 11:50 AM
Pledge: Maxine Conrad
Attendance: Andrea Banks, Maxine Conrad, Brittany Maxfield, Mike Glenn, Amy Powell, Tressa Spigarelli, Emily Stout, Cheryl Anderson, Jill Smith, Andrea Hogan, Donna Hunter (OHMS Principal Appointee), Beth Kunz, Emily Butler, Rebecca Van Skyhawk, Steve Cherry

Treasurer’s Report: Amy Powell—We’re on track with our budget. November balance: $17,343.17 and December balance: $16,283.82

PTSA: Andrea Hogan—Expressed her thanks to all the volunteers who helped with Oquirrh Fest. Red Ribbon Week will be Jan 22-25. The theme is “Never been cool to do drugs”. Will have activities to reflect different decades.

Book Fair: Tressa Spigarelli—February 11-13, 2019. Would like to set up on Thursday, February 7th, and have a teacher preview on February 8th. Needs signage to reflect that we are now required to charge sales tax on student purchases. Also, Scholastic wants to connect its router to the OHMS internet directly. That might cause issues with firewall protection and kick Scholastic out. Tressa will try to coordinate between Scholastic and Jordan School District Tech people.

President's Report: Maxine Conrad
·  Volunteer hours:  Please log your hours—next report due February 1st.
·  Approve December Minutes: Beth made motion; Andrea B. second; approved.
·  Cone meeting: Would like to implement “Teacher of the Month” @ OHMS next year.
·  SCC Meeting tonight at 5:30 if anyone wants to attend.

Nominating Committee: Rebecca, Brittany, and Emily
·  Board members for 2019-2020 school year:
o    President –
o    Pres. Elect –
o    Secretary – Tiffany Barlow
o    Treasurer –
o    Legislative –
o    Volunteer Coordinator - 
o    Membership –
o    Red Ribbon -
o    Blue Ribbon –
o    White Ribbon -
o    Reflections –
o    Teacher Appreciation/Birthdays/PTC Dinners – Emily Butler
o    Book Fair Chair – Tressa Spigarelli
o    Webpage Coordinator –
o    Eagle of the Quarter – Emily Stout
o    Memory Book Co Chairs – Amy Powell

Parent / Teacher Conference Dinners: Brittany and Jill and Emily B.
They will coordinate their efforts and serve up two tasty dinners—February 12 & 13.

Red Ribbon Week is Jan 22 – 25 Wendy Osborn is in charge. Things are on track.

Reflections: Denise The Region 6 Awards Night is January 16, 2019 at 6:30 PM @ RHS

Eagle of the Quarter: Emily Stout—There has been concern over how the pictures of the honorees have turned out. Discussed greater lighting to enhance pictures, and asking parents to wait while the official picture is taken. Will be held on January 15th, 16th, and 17th.

PTA Day at the Capitol: Rebecca Van Skyhawk—Tentative date is February 21st. Discussed having the PTSA and SBO students attend. Talk to Mrs. Fish to request a bus. Discussed touring the City/County Building in lieu of the Governor’s Mansion. Whatever isn’t covered by the PTSA budgeted amount for that day will come out of the school’s general fund.
Principal’s Report: Mike Glenn
·         New Assignment—He has been appointed principal to the new middle school in Daybreak.
·         SNAP Plan—The deadline has been extended to March to accommodate the new  boundaries.
·         New OHMS Principal is Donna Hunter coming from West Jordan High School.
·         Discussed needed changes to the existing school to accommodate more students.

Counseling Center: Steve Cherry
·         Career Day is March 7th. Next week students will choose the careers they want to learn about.
·         February 14th the 9th Grade students will take a walking field trip to RHS for CTE tour.
·         Will need parent volunteers to help with the two sessions of the Field Trip.
·         Registration is coming soon. Current count is 1337—Could go over 1400 with ALPS students.

Other business:  JetBlue Travel Certificates from Jill. Drawing for winners. Will print out list of PTSA members as of January 11, 2019.

New Business: Memory Book is coming along slowly. Discussed adding a page for twins, a page for Kaiden Cherrington, and how to do the administration page with the change in Principals.

Next Meeting – Thursday, February 7th, 2019 at 11:45 am
Meeting adjourned: 12.58 PM Andrea B. motioned, Mike Glenn second; approved.

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